Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Russell or Rob

I found out something about one of my friends today. My dear friend Ange is a fan of Russell Hantz. WHAT?! This is the little Demon man that I have ranted so much about on this very blog. The one that drives me up the wall EVERY episode...This friend and I...well...we are not friends anymore. haha Just kiddin'.

But here's the story:

Angela thinks that Russell plays the game of Survivor really well... Me on the other hand thinks that Russell does not know how to play Survivor, my theory being: The point of the game is to win the million dollars, in which Russell just can't do. I think Rob is just a more likeable person which in the end is what matters. Between Boston Rob and Russell, I would rather see Rob win the million dollars over Russell any day. And I would love to know from other Survivor fans who they rather win the $1 000 000: Russell or Rob?

Survivor is tommorow night.

Ange, This dispute over Russell and Rob is not over. HAHA :)

1 comment:

  1. MY GOODNESS. The only reason Russel hasn't won yet is because he's just so amazing at the game and no one wants to admit that he kicked their butts so they vote for the other person ;)
