Friday, March 25, 2011


This is the Blogpost from My sister's blog on September 3, 2010:
yes this may possibly for the most part most probably be a blog war with

King Lemuel is happy.
King Lemuel is healthy.
King Lemuel is well.
NOT dying

in spirit of how well my fish is doing, I wrote an acrostic poem
K iller happy
I ncredibly healthy
N ever been better
G rrrrrrrreater than Tony the tiger

L oving life
E mily's Fish
M agnificent (over all)
U nlike Nacho is alive.
E mphasizing how amazing this fish is doing over all
L onger life than other fish of his kind.... cough cough... (Nacho)

In the spirit of writing about our fish. I also got a picture of both fish.

King Lemuel

Please do not link directly to this image.
sad. but true.
:) love yah Brit.

Now March 25, 2011 I feel the need to blog and report that:

King Lemuel the First is now dead
Please do not link directly to this image.
King Lemuel the Second is now dead (let me add--lived only with Emily for a mere 3 days!)
Please do not link directly to this image.

And her third fish...I think his name is King Lemuel the Third (only makes sense):
Nacho Leesha Tobias may have died.
But Nacho Crub Dos is still alive and well

The Blog War Rages On! (Haha Just kiddin')
I was just sayin'

Love you Em :)

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