Tuesday, March 22, 2011


While we were in Kentucky the pastor talked about Time. In Greek there are two words to describe time:

"Chronos" and "Kairos"

Chronos time is chronological time. The time of day. The schedule of the day. Routines. Chronos time is the time we measure on clocks (or iPods and phones). Chronos.

But for the week we were challenged to look at Kairos time. Kairos time is God's time. God moments. Times where you see God.

Each night we were challenged to say a Kairos moment that we had that day.
Here were some of my Kairos moments of the trip:

"I like your boat! Where did you get it?"

The community of believers from 6 different churches working together as Christ's church to further the Kingdom

One day at the framing site when I stopped and listened to the sound of many Hammers hammering. Some people worship with their talent of singing or playing an instrument. I think God loved the song of the hammers just as well.

Stopping to talk to 4 little kids who were playing basketball. Cheering them on and giving them high fives.

The dedication of the rich of the community to the poor.

Singing hymns. Spontaneous Worship moments.

The generosity of the Church to us as visitors. Worshipping with First Church of Neon.

Our foreman's patience and love he showed to us even when we made a mistake

Each and every person who went on the trip--giving up their march break for God

The love of a Grandmother for her daughters children. The dedication she has to raising them.

Friendships that were made or strengthened on the trip

Joy and Laughter

These are just a few of the many moments on the trip that were Kairos moments.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away” -Anonymous

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