Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Year 13.

Friday, March 25, 2011


This is the Blogpost from My sister's blog on September 3, 2010:
yes this may possibly for the most part most probably be a blog war with brittanyvos.blogspot.com

King Lemuel is happy.
King Lemuel is healthy.
King Lemuel is well.
NOT dying

in spirit of how well my fish is doing, I wrote an acrostic poem
K iller happy
I ncredibly healthy
N ever been better
G rrrrrrrreater than Tony the tiger

L oving life
E mily's Fish
M agnificent (over all)
U nlike Nacho is alive.
E mphasizing how amazing this fish is doing over all
L onger life than other fish of his kind.... cough cough... (Nacho)

In the spirit of writing about our fish. I also got a picture of both fish.

King Lemuel

Please do not link directly to this image.
sad. but true.
:) love yah Brit.

Now March 25, 2011 I feel the need to blog and report that:

King Lemuel the First is now dead
Please do not link directly to this image.
King Lemuel the Second is now dead (let me add--lived only with Emily for a mere 3 days!)
Please do not link directly to this image.

And her third fish...I think his name is King Lemuel the Third (only makes sense):
Nacho Leesha Tobias may have died.
But Nacho Crub Dos is still alive and well

The Blog War Rages On! (Haha Just kiddin')
I was just sayin'

Love you Em :)

Snow-Covered Subway Spring Adventure

So. this is Karen and Brittany. Just sayin'.

We decided to go to Subway today on our Spare. We walked there through the church parking lot and survey. This was uneventful. The pathway was quite clear and we had an enjoyable walk.

We arrive at Subway. We order Subs. Brittany had a Cold Cut Combo on Italian Herbs and Cheese. This is what she always gets. Karen had a BLT on Italian Bun. Changin' IT UP! Normally she has the Chicken Bacon Ranch.

We delightfully indulged in our subs. Brittany enjoying hers with a Rootbeer and Chips; Karen chowing on hers with cookies and Sprite!

After finishing we decided to head back to the school. Changin' it UP, this time Brittany decided they should go the other route back to school. Little did we know, it was ICE COVERED, SLUSH, AND SNOW!! (exclaimation). Suddenly, the sidewalk ends! Karen slips on some ice, flails her arms, and punches Brittany in the eye.

We decide to move onward. We have to get to the road. This poses a problem becaues we have to first get through a ditch. Brittany being the clever individual that she is (note Karens sarcastic tone), decided to go first. She was not wearing proper footwear: slip on slipper-like shoe things you could call them.

Long story short. The snow was up to our knees. Brittany's slip on slipper-like shoe things decided that they were going to fall off. Karen who was behind her, helps her get her shoe that is buried in the snow. Brittany hobbles back to the sidewalk and her remaining shoe fell off. Karen gathers both shoes and throws them to Brittany who is now standing shoeless on the sidewalk.

Karen comes to the sidewalk, but in the process gets caught by the hair in a tree above her. Her common reaction (once again) is to flail arms. She gets free. The girls are standing on the sidewalk, failing in their attempt to cross to the road.

They must get across. This time Karen goes first in someone's tracks from a previous cross. Brittany follows behind and her shoes stayed on this time.

Walking along the road the two girls laughed at their misfortune. Both were quite snow covered. Brittany's slip on slipper-like shoe things were filled with snow and she brushed off her pants as best as she could.

Finally the school is in sight. But now they are on a road with no sidewalk or shoulder. Brittany looks ahead and spots a bus coming towards them. She says to Karen: "Karen lets stop here and let the bus pass".

Little did they know, they had stopped right at a bus stop sign, so the bus stopped as well. THAT WOULD HAPPEN. They ran ahead and left a confused bus driver behind them.

Laughing, wet, and a bit cold they arrive at school and decide to blog about it.
What an adventure. HAHA. A Snow-covered Subway Spring adventure.

By: Karen and Brittany

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Your heart beats about 100,000 times in one day and about 40,000,000 times a year.

During your lifetime? About 3 billion times.

Thats a lot of beating. I'm left with questions that some doctors might be able to explain to some extent. I'm left with questions about my own heart that studying medicine for 18 years wouldn't solve.

What is my HEART beating for? What purpose does my HEART serve?

What am I going to do with the HEARTbeat I have?

I come on my knees
To lay down before you
Bringing all that I am
Longing only to know you
Seeking your face
And not only your hand
I find you embracing me
Just as I am

And I lift these songs
To you and you alone
As I sing to you
In my praises make your home

To my audience of one
You are Father, and you are Son
As your spirit flows free,
Let it find within me
A heart that beats to praise you.
And now just to know you more
-"Audience of One" Big Daddy Weave

And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace, and laugh on glory’s side...and
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live
-"Untitled Hymn" Chris Rice

When the music fades
And all is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless your heart

I'll bring You more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what You have required
You search much deeper within
Through the ways things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about You
All about You, Jesus
I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it
When it's all about You
It's all about You Jesus

King of endless worth
No one could express
How much You deserve
Though I'm weak and poor
All I have is Yours
Every single breath
-"Heart of Worship" Matt Redman
This is my desire, to honour You
Lord with all my heart I worship You
all I have within me
I give You praise
all that I adore is in You

Lord I give You my heart
I give You my soul
I live for You alone
Every breath that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord have Your way in me
"I Give You My Heart" Rueben Morgan

Jesus you have me completely
Every breath I breathe
I am absolutely in love
Jesus I am yours forever
All of me surrenders
I am absolutely in love with you
"Absolutely" Starfield


Its beating to know, to discover, to praise, to worship, to follow, to go, to serve, to disciple.
My Heart Yearns.
My Heart Loves.

My Heart does not belong to this world.
My heart belongs FOREVER to my King.

What is your HEART beating for?

What are going to do with the HEARTbeat you have?

...you have approximately 100 000 beats...
and thats just for tommorow

non-survivor rant.

So I have given up Survivor for lent.
At first I gave up Skype. I realized that it is not something that is a big sacrifice for me. I thought about what I loved and wanted to sacrifice in the 40 days before Easter.

It was Survivor

I guess this is just to tell y'all that I won't be survivor ranting for a while
So this is not a survivor Rant.

But I was just thinking of my wimpy little sacrifice of Giving up watching a T.V show that airs once a week for a time period of only 40 days. Or maybe when I think of giving up Skype and talking to friends...

I think of a much greater sacrifice. The Sacrifice that has allowed me to live.
Jesus Christ, I think Upon your Sacrfice, you became nothing, Poured out to death! And many times I've wondered at Your gift of Life...and I'm in that place once again.
I'm in that place Once again.
And once again I look upon that cross where died. I'm humbled by your mercy and I'm broken inside. Once again I thank you. Once again I pour out my life.
-'Once Again' Matt Redman

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so that whoever believes in him will not persih but can have everlasting life. John 3:16

Dear Snow

The time has come for me to share my true feelings with one of my least favoured, seasonal visitors:


Dear Snow,
You are not much use to me when you are not giving me a day off school...I mean You did GREAT WORK yesterday buuut... here I sit: at school, and there you sit: outside.

Dear Snow,
You are cold.
Its Spring.
Go Away.

Dear Snow,
It was nice knowing you, but your time has come.

Dear Snow,
Adios. See you next year. K-GREAT.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Year 13.

So I applied to work at camp again this summer. I had an interview at the end of February and we are supposed to find out anytime now if we got the job or not. Some of the positions have already found out they got the job.

It makes me excited to find out whether or not I got the job there this summer again. Last summer it was such a great experience to be part of staff.. I worked in the kitchen and learned more about cooking throughout my days in there. We had alot of fun and (of course) ate lots of delicious food and goodies! :) As a kitchen assistant, I was on support staff and we would support the counsellors and encourage them. I got to know a few campers and guests along the way. I spent the summer serving my Saviour.

This summer I applied to be a counsellor there. Camp Shalom.

So over the years I have been a camper. (and by "over the years" I mean every year I could be a camper--Grade 1 to Grade 11-- I was a camper). And last year I was on staff. This is 12 years folks!

And I'm wondering if this is God's plan for me to be there for Year 13. This summer. Will I be the counsellor for some kids who are at camp for their first time? Aunt B, Tante Brit...Will I be there to witness the Holy Spirit working and leading kids to Christ? Is it God's will for me to, once again, be at Camp?

And if its not? Where will I be? God has a plan. Year 13?

This is me just wondering. Just Wonderin'.

Countryside Camp and Conference Centre. Home of Camp Shalom. Check it out:

or on YouTube:

Best and Worst Surprise

Worst thing would be waking up to snow covering the ground after spending time in Beautiful warm weather in Kentucky that was so warm the one day that it gave you a sunburn!

Woke up to a snow covered ground and to my dad telling me that it is a snowday! Now I am just lounging in a snuggie studying for a test and catching up on homework. Texting. Listening to my tunes. I'm happy.

And now for you snow. You can leave and let Spring come. Okay thanks.

Happy Snow Day to Y'all!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


While we were in Kentucky the pastor talked about Time. In Greek there are two words to describe time:

"Chronos" and "Kairos"

Chronos time is chronological time. The time of day. The schedule of the day. Routines. Chronos time is the time we measure on clocks (or iPods and phones). Chronos.

But for the week we were challenged to look at Kairos time. Kairos time is God's time. God moments. Times where you see God.

Each night we were challenged to say a Kairos moment that we had that day.
Here were some of my Kairos moments of the trip:

"I like your boat! Where did you get it?"

The community of believers from 6 different churches working together as Christ's church to further the Kingdom

One day at the framing site when I stopped and listened to the sound of many Hammers hammering. Some people worship with their talent of singing or playing an instrument. I think God loved the song of the hammers just as well.

Stopping to talk to 4 little kids who were playing basketball. Cheering them on and giving them high fives.

The dedication of the rich of the community to the poor.

Singing hymns. Spontaneous Worship moments.

The generosity of the Church to us as visitors. Worshipping with First Church of Neon.

Our foreman's patience and love he showed to us even when we made a mistake

Each and every person who went on the trip--giving up their march break for God

The love of a Grandmother for her daughters children. The dedication she has to raising them.

Friendships that were made or strengthened on the trip

Joy and Laughter

These are just a few of the many moments on the trip that were Kairos moments.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away” -Anonymous

I want to know You.

I stand before You, Awed by Your Majesty
Covered by Your mercy, Your blood has made me free
Draw me to You, and set my heart on fire

I want to Know,
Your my one desire

I give you my worship
All of my Passion
I give you my whole heart
All my devotion
[ Lyrics from
Grace never ending, Your hands they carry me
Your body is broken for all the world to see
My heart is held by love so unconditional

You captivate me
Your the lover of my soul

I give you my worship
All of my Passion
I give you my whole heart
All my devotion

Here I will bow down
Say that I need You
Here I will worship
Say that I love you

Oh how I love you

I want to know You
Let Your Spirit overwhelm me
Let Your Presence overtake my heart

I want to know You
Let Your Spirit overwhelm me
Let Your Presence overtake my heart

-Jesus Culture "I Want to Know You"

I once was Lost

My Chains are gone
I've been set free
My God; My Saviour
Has Ransomed me
And like a flood
His mercy rains
Unending Love

Amazing Grace!

You are forever mine.

-Chris Tomlin 'Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)'

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Home From Kentucky

I'm just home from Kentucky. I'm on an emotions high right now and it is kind of hard to put into words all that is on my mind and heart.

Everyone needs compassion. A love thats never-failing. Let mercy fall on me...

Neon, Kentucky. The Beautiful People there. First Church of God. HOMES. inc.

We didn't bring God to Kentucky, he was already there.

I hope to blog more about my trip, but if I don't ask me more about it in person. :)


So my cousin blogged these quotes. Theres a few that really stood out to me, so here they are:

'Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

The best vitamin for making friends..... B1.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.

The heaviest thing you can carry is a grudge.

One thing you can give and still keep....is your word.

You lie the loudest when you lie to yourself.

If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished.

The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice.

It is never too late to become what you might have been.

Friends are like balloons;
Once you let them go, you might not get them
back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own
lives and problems that we may not even notice
that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so
caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we
forget what's right and wrong.. Sometimes we just
don't realize what real friendship means until it
is too late. I don't want to let that happen so
I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose