Saturday, January 1, 2011

Quick overview of my holiday

Saturday- market in Kitchener. Nothing too spec (pronounced "SPESH").

Sunday- Survivor Finale!! The long awaited Finale was here and it did not dissappoint! I was babysitting and was watching at the same time. Fabio won (that was who I was rooting for).

Monday -Due to new rule that I am not allowed to go out if my room is not clean, I spent this day cleaning my room so that I could go out during the Christmas holidays. Monday was also the day that baby Jadeyn was born to friends Lea and Adrian. Beautiful and healthy baby girl.

Tuesday- Went to help decorate at the Living Rock. Blackie and Jenn came out for the event and we had a tonne of fun helping decorate the room for the dinner.

Wednesday- I found myself struck ill this day. I got up in the morning, exhausted and head aching. I think it had to do with the fact that I am finally on holidays and I haven't been getting the rest that I need. I had a haircut at 1:30 and then I slept again.

Thursday- due to my sudden illness that hath stricken me, i did not attend the special market day on Thursday. I took the day to rejuvenate and sleep in so that I was feeling a lot better. In the afternoon, I went to make cookies with youth to bring to Lea and Adrian.

Christmas Eve-Opened small gifts between us 5. In the day went and met Jadeyn for the first time to bring the cookies. At night it was Vos Family Christmas. This is always a loud event, with about 30 people (maybe more) all at my aunt and uncle's house. There are games. People are in general just loud on this side.

Christmas Day- Started the day with Church on Christmas morning. The afternoon was a nice relaxing Saturday at home for Christmas day.

Boxing Day- Journey band lead the morning service. Wielinga Family Christmas was in the afternoon. This is always so much fun and we cousins all get along so well. There are games and a family meal. We don't get to see this side of the family that often so it was so nice to be all together.

Tuesday- Fun times. Fun times. Friend Amanda came over to go visit Jadeyn again with Kaitie. Amanda goes to Cuba so she isnt at the retreat.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday- These days were all kinda a blurred all together. We had our staff Christmas retreat at Camp. It was a blast to hang out with my summer family. Then a bunch of us went to a new years party the middle of nowhere...Hanover? Where is that :) hehe

So thats a rough overview. I was quite busy most days with something or another. These Christmas holidays were a much needed break from school and what school defines as "life" like homework etc. etc...

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