Thursday, January 20, 2011

Corruption in Sports

So I took a class called Exercise Science this semester
(p.s Today was the last day of classes in semseter 1!!! WOOO)

And we started talking about the corruption in sports...
the money, the fame, the lawsuits, the drugs, the steroids.
Sports have become idolized. Rather than church theres the football game.
Athletes can be called professionals despite the fact that they are being injected with steroids to make them into something they are not.

It just kind of saddens me that this is what sports has come to.
But as my summative essay I wrote about individuals with intellectual disabilities in sport.
A little exerpt from my paper said this:

"Individuals with intellectual disabilities redefine what it means to be an athlete and redefine what the real meaning of sports is. Rather than “disability”, they show us that they have “ability”. Each and every one has strengths and weaknesses, this is the same as individuals who have an intellectual disability; they may have certain limitations to mental functioning, it may take them longer to learn new skills, but these individuals excel in their unquenchable spirit, their love for others, their love for the sport, their effort, and their attitudes.

I think that of what sports entertainment and sports today have made “sport” to be, Special Olympics and these athletes and Intellectually challenged individuals have brought sport back to its purest form. "

...Just a little exerpt. I could say a whole lot more about it, but I think what it comes down to is that this is what sport is supposed to be. Take a look at this video and see for yourself.

Pure Sport. It's Beautiful.

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