Sunday, January 30, 2011

You Are Beautiful

The days will come when you don't have the strength

When all you hear is you're not worth anything

Wondering if you ever could be loved

And if they truly saw your heart they'd see too much

You're beautiful, you're beautiful

You are made for so much more than all of this

You're beautiful, you're beautiful

You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His, you're beautiful

And praying that you have the heart to find

Cause you are more than what is hurting you tonight

For all the lies you've held inside so long

And they are nothing in the shadow of the cross

Before you ever took a breath, long before the world began

Of all the wonders He possessed, there was one more precious

Of all the earth and skies above

You're the one He madly loves enough to death

You're beautiful, you're beautiful in His eyes

You're beautiful

You were meant for so much more than all of this

You're beautiful

You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His

You're beautiful, you're beautiful

You're meant for so much more than all of this

You're beautiful, you're beautiful

You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His

We are people who want to be wanted. I think it is also a very real struggle especially among women to feel beautiful in today's society. When Society tries to tell us what beautiful is, we tell ourselves that we aren't. I love that God made us IN HIS IMAGE. I love to see the BEAUTY God has created, and the Beauty that God is, and that God calls us beautiful and we are his most PRECIOUS of all CREATION. He finds us CAPTIVATING. He TREASURES us. We are a HOLY and CHOSEN people BELONGING to God.

You're the one He madly loves enough to death

Lets Play Pretend...

Remember when we used to play pretend and put moms nylons on our heads? With multiple pairs we could manage long black hair that we braided and would travel down our backs past our bums. With just a couple of pairs of nylons each, along with a couple of head bands, we transformed into INDIAN PRINCESS SPIES!

Were we allowed to use moms nylons? No we weren't. We stretched them and put runs in them. So partially while we played this game we were spies. We crawled on the ground through "no-mans-land" which is also the kitchen where mom was washing dishes. Sometimes when we crawled, one of us would purposely step on the others "hair" and it would fall off. We would roar with laugher at the thought that our hair just fell off.

I remember Indian Princess Spies with you. The imagination of a child is quite beautiful. This memory makes me smile. I wonder how many pairs of mom's stockings we ruined.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Father Me.

You have loved me with such a perfect love,
Fathered me with such a tender touch.
Your faithfulness surrounds my soul,
Your mercy lifts my head.
How could I repay all You have done?

Father me, faithful Father.
Father me;
No one else could ever be
The perfect Father God to me.

You now clothe me with Your righteousness,
Hide me in the shadow of Your wings.
And even in my darkest days,
Your light will guide my way.
Hallelujah to the King of grace
(Paul Oakly "Father Me)

I think back to what happened in Haiti just over a year ago. Thousands of people lost their lives in an earthquake. Thousands of children lost their fathers.

I think of children who never had a father figure. Their father let them down. Especially for those who fear their father will do hurtful things to them.

...there are so many stories.

Let God be your father, because no matter what comes your way, He is there. He will never leave you (Deuteronomy 31:6). He holds your hand (Isaiah 41:13). He loves you HE LOVES YOU.
He has plans to Prosper you, not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. Deuteronomy 10:18

Our Father. Who art in Heaven. Hallowed be YOUR name.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sacred Raisin Cakes

so theres this bible verse i came across in the NIV version of the Bible the other day (I checked other versions and they don't all have it phrased the same. It made me laugh.

"The LORD said to me, “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another man and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes.”

The whole "sacred raisin cakes" made me smile. But maybe thats just me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

no more exams

no more english
no more exercise science
no more data management


for a few days anyways.
then i will start

but for now


I dont know why i am up so early.
I've already takenn a shower and am dressed.
and Its 6:11.


last exam today.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

1 more...

two down
one more tommorow

...that would be english and exercise science done
...with only data management tommorow

this is good.

Monday, January 24, 2011

1 Down...2 to Go

The first exam (I'm not going to lie)...did not go so well. I'm not one who can just write under pressure a full length essay and I'm not sure that I can walk away from the exam and call it a fair evaluation of what we have learned...

and as my one friend would say
"Even if you fail, Jesus doesn't think you're a failure."

SDC (smiles despite circumstances.

1 Down... 2 to Go.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

This is a Blogpost

Basically I have been studying all day.

And while I titled my last blogpost "This is not a Blogpost"

...because I was supposed to be studying rather than blogging

This Blogpost is titled "This is a Blogpost"

...because I am supposed to be studying, but I am posting some Bible verses that have been helping me get through the day and I felt the need to share them with any others who:

a) might be studying or stressed about exams

b) anyone who needs encouragement in the situation they are in today

So let this be an encouragement to you (whatever your circumstances might be):

Do you not know?

Have you not heard?

The LORD is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He will not grow tired or weary,

and his understanding no one can fathom.

He gives strength to the weary

and increases the power of the weak.

Even youths grow tired and weary,

and young men stumble and fall;

but those who hope in the LORD

will renew their strength.

They will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:29-31

Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. 
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73: 23-26

Friday, January 21, 2011

This is not a Blog Post

This is not a blogpost...

...because I am supposed to be studying for my exams.
I have an English, an Exercise Science, and a Data Management Exam...
All that I should be studying for

This is not a blogpost...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Corruption in Sports

So I took a class called Exercise Science this semester
(p.s Today was the last day of classes in semseter 1!!! WOOO)

And we started talking about the corruption in sports...
the money, the fame, the lawsuits, the drugs, the steroids.
Sports have become idolized. Rather than church theres the football game.
Athletes can be called professionals despite the fact that they are being injected with steroids to make them into something they are not.

It just kind of saddens me that this is what sports has come to.
But as my summative essay I wrote about individuals with intellectual disabilities in sport.
A little exerpt from my paper said this:

"Individuals with intellectual disabilities redefine what it means to be an athlete and redefine what the real meaning of sports is. Rather than “disability”, they show us that they have “ability”. Each and every one has strengths and weaknesses, this is the same as individuals who have an intellectual disability; they may have certain limitations to mental functioning, it may take them longer to learn new skills, but these individuals excel in their unquenchable spirit, their love for others, their love for the sport, their effort, and their attitudes.

I think that of what sports entertainment and sports today have made “sport” to be, Special Olympics and these athletes and Intellectually challenged individuals have brought sport back to its purest form. "

...Just a little exerpt. I could say a whole lot more about it, but I think what it comes down to is that this is what sport is supposed to be. Take a look at this video and see for yourself.

Pure Sport. It's Beautiful.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


When one door closes
another one opens;
but we so often look so long
and so regretfully upon the closed door,
that we do not see
the ones which open for us.

- Alexander Graham Bell

Boys and Girls

I have a few years under my belt of babysitting experience. In Grade 6 I got the official babysitting Licence thanks to the Red Cross in Waterdown. But throughout my years of being a babysitter, I have always laughed at the differences in babysitting boys and babysitting girls.

For instance I have babysat alot of all girl families, or families with the girl to boy ratio being all girls to one boy. When you babysit girls:

Do crafts. Colouring or any sort of crafts will keep girls occupied for hours (and hours)
When you play, they do not like to play to rough. No body gets hurt. Girls are loud and they scream. Girls like to play games or play pretend. Dress up. Everyone plays a part whether it is the mom or the dog, the baby or the neighbour. Princesses and pretty things are what girls talk about...O GIRLS :)

But I have babysat boys as well. In my experinces babysitting boys:

Boys are loud and rather than screaming they yell. They tackle you and they aren't afraid to hurt you or their siblings. You can bring a craft, but they won't necessarily do the craft at all or if they do, they will not be occupied for long. Boys are full of action and constantly have to be doing something. Playing pretend does not involve house, cooking with fake food, or being neighbours, it involves bad guys and guns and war. Boys can go on talking about farts and making fart noises and entertain themselves...O BOYS :)

What can I say. Little girls and little boys are different. The beauty of God's creation. Oh how it makes me smile.

I love the kids that I babysit. Boys and Girls. They all hold a special place in my heart.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Great Adventure

People that know me, know that I like things to be well planned. I like when I know that something is going to happen. I like being on time and I like schedules.

So Yesterday, Kat had her first piano lesson at family from our church's house. She had it all planned out and looked into how to arrive there via the HTC (Hamilton Transit Commission). They have 4 kids so I was going along to play with the kids as well as going with Kat the first time she was making this trek.

So right after school, we jumped on Bus 34 right on schedual. Kat asked the busdriver about where we would have to get off to make it to Dundas. At this point I was completely trusting in Kat. (Indeed if I was involved in planning this trip, I would be more controlling and worried) It was good to be trusting Kat. She had really looked into this and was making a real effort to get us there.

We got off the bus where the Busdriver told us to, and we waited for the second must have just left, so we called in to HTC number...we would have to wait in the freezing cold until the next bus came.

I always know when I am really cold because the scars on my hands turn purple...and I know that I was really cold because my scars were bright purple.

Finally the next bus came along. We jumped on. And just around the time we were supposed to get off, Kat asked the busdriver where we would need to catch the next bus. He pointed to a bus stop across the road that had a few people already waiting for a bus there.

As we were standing there waiting for Bus 5 (as Kats instructions said) we saw a didnt look like we were at the right stop.. This time I asked a girl there if she knew what bus we needed to take. Thankfully we were at the right stop AND she was also waiting for that bus and said she would help us out. Turned out it was actually Bus 52...good thing we asked her.

But Kat asked the Busdriver about Terrace Drive and he did not know where that was. He let us off at a road that was a dead end road...Thanks Mr. Busdriver...

Kat: "I think we have to walk that way"
Brit: "I have no idea.."

(also if you know me, I am directionally challenged. If I've never been somewhere before and I haven't visually seen the surroundings, I will not know how to get there)

So we walked down this road. Every road we would see coming up, Kat would say, "I think thats the road we need."

Getting a bit frustrated and cold, I get this text from you know their number?

I tell my mom the number...

Mom: actually thats their old number

ERG. At this point I'm interrogating my sister

"They just moved. Did you not check their new number?"
"Ya I thought maybe they kept their old number. Some people keep their old numbers"
"Kat, Not when the move to a different city"

Kat: "Are you mad?"
Brit: "I'm just cold...and do you even know where we are?"
Kat: "No not really"

I look back at the situation. Kat was handling it well. She was the one that looked it up where it was. I'm just following in the snowy footsteps of my little sister, hoping that she knows where we are.

As we are walking, none other than the DCCS Gradeschool Bus drives right by us.
Brit: "You didn't check if we could have taken the gradeschool bus?"
Kat: "I didn't think of that."

We keep walking..."I think its the next road" nope.
"I think its the next road" nope.

Finally it was the next road.

We got there fine. A little cold but we got there safely.

We learned some things from this experience:
a) I need to learn to Trust Kat a bit more. She did a great job...shes not perfect..but I LOVE HER!
b) Dont be afraid to ask people questions
c) Fully investigate all options of your trip first
d) Next time we are taking the Gradeschool bus for free


We are not quite sure how the word exactly came about. One day last year, I thought I would make up a word, and that word was
Crub...I cannot say the word that starts with C and rhymes with Rap because it may sound vulgar and suggest a dirtyness like poop. Around the same time my cousin was over quite alot and she started substituting in the word 'Crub' as well.

And together, the word 'Crub' was born. We were determined to use this word. One of our goals was to get it into the dictionary, so we used it all the time:

Crub Nugget, Captin Crub, Rummi Crub, Crib Crub...

Crub Crub Crub.

SOANYWAYS...You can say that we succeeded in getting it into the dictionary. The other day I was on urban and just for fun searched 'Crub'

Urban Dictionary defines Crub as:

When someone, lacking grammatical skill, is highly disappointed in their own actions.

But the exciting part is that it was published April 2010. After we made up the word...

Point of me telling you this story?
1) You can do anything you put your mind to (including making new words and using them all the time to try and get them into the dictionary)
2) Start incorporating "Crub" into your everyday step Webster's Dictionary!


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Random writing.

So I made it through the first week back at school after Christmas Holidays. I have to admit, I had alot of jealousy of my friends who don't start til the 1oth at first.

I had an essay for a 20 minute presentation that was due on Tuesday, Presenting on Wednesday. Can you imagine for a second, the stress level I was at Tuesday night when I said "um" every other word AND YET it was still less than 10 minutes AND I was the first in the class to present so I had no idea what to expect! I was FREAKIN! Yup I was.

Then Along comes Wednesday and with Tips from lovely Madre, I presented 40 minutes! WOO...

I was so JOYOUS to have that over with, BUT then all I had to do was conquering my ISU essay for English.

I didn't finish it Wednesday
I didn't finish it Thursday
I didn't finish it before class on Friday

Handed it in during spare on Friday afternoon, what was it titled? "The Official Rough Draft of the Two Worst Books I've Ever Read". I think Teach will appreciate the honesty.

Aside from the extreme tiredness everyday, the missin' holidays like NUTS! and basically just wishing that somehow school could just end forever.

I did SDC..(smile despite circumstances)..i realized that if i was at home i would not be getting any work done and with exams coming up i really need to get work done. Basically.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Quick overview of my holiday

Saturday- market in Kitchener. Nothing too spec (pronounced "SPESH").

Sunday- Survivor Finale!! The long awaited Finale was here and it did not dissappoint! I was babysitting and was watching at the same time. Fabio won (that was who I was rooting for).

Monday -Due to new rule that I am not allowed to go out if my room is not clean, I spent this day cleaning my room so that I could go out during the Christmas holidays. Monday was also the day that baby Jadeyn was born to friends Lea and Adrian. Beautiful and healthy baby girl.

Tuesday- Went to help decorate at the Living Rock. Blackie and Jenn came out for the event and we had a tonne of fun helping decorate the room for the dinner.

Wednesday- I found myself struck ill this day. I got up in the morning, exhausted and head aching. I think it had to do with the fact that I am finally on holidays and I haven't been getting the rest that I need. I had a haircut at 1:30 and then I slept again.

Thursday- due to my sudden illness that hath stricken me, i did not attend the special market day on Thursday. I took the day to rejuvenate and sleep in so that I was feeling a lot better. In the afternoon, I went to make cookies with youth to bring to Lea and Adrian.

Christmas Eve-Opened small gifts between us 5. In the day went and met Jadeyn for the first time to bring the cookies. At night it was Vos Family Christmas. This is always a loud event, with about 30 people (maybe more) all at my aunt and uncle's house. There are games. People are in general just loud on this side.

Christmas Day- Started the day with Church on Christmas morning. The afternoon was a nice relaxing Saturday at home for Christmas day.

Boxing Day- Journey band lead the morning service. Wielinga Family Christmas was in the afternoon. This is always so much fun and we cousins all get along so well. There are games and a family meal. We don't get to see this side of the family that often so it was so nice to be all together.

Tuesday- Fun times. Fun times. Friend Amanda came over to go visit Jadeyn again with Kaitie. Amanda goes to Cuba so she isnt at the retreat.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday- These days were all kinda a blurred all together. We had our staff Christmas retreat at Camp. It was a blast to hang out with my summer family. Then a bunch of us went to a new years party the middle of nowhere...Hanover? Where is that :) hehe

So thats a rough overview. I was quite busy most days with something or another. These Christmas holidays were a much needed break from school and what school defines as "life" like homework etc. etc...