Sunday, May 2, 2010

Memories of a Weekend past...

Sometimes it is fun to be youthful and do youthful things:

Making up an Olympics for the kids I babysit. It had alot of screaming. But at bedtime they were all tired.

Immitating an Emu. Emus are prissy animals that walk funny, have wierd feet, and can make their neck go into wierd positions. I had fun immitating one of these birds.

Catching tadpoles. This is something that will never grow old. The excitement of catching the tiny things and transferring them to a bucket and seeing how many you can get is just fun.

Making a peacock out of my shirt and hand then pretending to peck my friend.

Doodling and drawing cartoon cavemen and teddybears doing a raindance.

Pushing a swing pretending there was a baby in it and (for the entertainment of the audience) began to talk like a mom to the swing. "Hello. Are you having fun in the swing? O yes you are"

Picked dandilions and sang the song, "Momma had a baby and its head popped off.." as I popped the top of the dandilion at my sister

This is the Day that the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it

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