Sunday, May 9, 2010

I love Mom

Why I love Mom

She loves us unconditionally

She stays awake when you are out late babysitting to say goodnight (and to make sure you get home safe).

Mom always has your best interests in mind

She is the one who will rub your back when your sick.

She will do fun classes with you like sign language, mini med school or bell choir. She loves to spend time with you

She encourages your talents--she is the one who will listen to you when you are learning a new instrument even though you sound bad.

Shes there to clap when you succeed. Shes there to comfort and encourage you when you don't

She has wisdom to share about things she has gone through

When You are having a bad day, she's always there to cheer you up

She does and says funny things that make you laugh

She pack you little notes in your lunches and write to you every year when you are at camp

She sacrifices her time to drive you places.

She can have a whole conversation that revolves around flowers. It makes me smile

She is extremely patient.

Mom teaches you.

Mom laughs at your jokes when no one else does.

She is self-less.

She stays optimistic in situations.

Moms are singing the praise songs in the van with you

She is a role model

Mom is devoted

She really listens

There are plenty of things that I could say of why I love my mom.
and I hope that one day I can be just like her for my kids.

Love you Mom!
You're the best mom in the world!

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