Friday, April 30, 2010

In Loving Memory

Four years ago today, David Alexander Wielinga, took his last earthly breath and his first eternal heavenly one. Four years have gone by so quickly. There are days when my heart aches and I miss him so much.

October 6,1998 - April 30, 2006

David, just so you know I miss you. I think of who you would be today if you were still here with us.

I'm sure you'd be all into the "Iron Man". Its a real guy movie.

You'd probably be proud (and jealous..hehe) of my skills at Wii and Frogger on my Gameboy (yess I still have a Gameboy).

You may have been jealous of the two collector bottle caps I got while I was in Belize (but dont worry I got two)

You'd be going to camp this summer...and that'd be sweet 'cause I'm on staff and I'd get you thrown in the pool or something

Maybe you would like Settlers, and you, me and Will could have tournements and stuff

David. I remeber your smile that could light the whole room up. You used to tell me jokes that weren't funny but I'd laugh because you found so much joy from them. We would play Frogger and you thought it was so funny when you could step on me so I would get run over by a van. You didn't let the bald head slow you down. At Balsaam Lake we could spend hours searching for bottlecaps for your collection.

Today I heard two of your songs David. They made me think of you.

"...And we can cry with hope, we can say goodbye with hope, because we know our goodbye is not the end. We can breathe with hope 'cause we believe with hope theres a place where we'll see your face again"

"...Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. You can have all this world, But give me Jesus"

Sometimes I cry for you David, thats because I miss you.

But I have hope that one day I will see you again.

And maybe we can go bottle cap hunting

or play Frogger

"And never have I known
anything so hard to understand
And never have I questioned more
The wisdom of God's plan
But through the cloud of tears
I see the Father's smile and say, 'Well done'
And I imagine you where you wanted most to be
Where you wanted most to be
Seeing all your dreams come true
...Cause now your home and now you're free"

David You'll Forever be In my Heart


  1. Oh Brittany - what a beautiful tribute for a special guy! You have me in tears.


  2. Thanks Brittany - those are wonderful thoughts and expressions about David. I think about him all the time - he is so much a part of our lives because we remember who he is and that memory lives on inside us all. I love being able to talk about him and sometimes I find myself giggling like he would about some goofy thing! Someone once said that when sorrow enters your heart it enlarges your heart to make room for joy. Well our hearts definately have grown larger and it is truely a gift from God that he has been able to change our sorrow into joy... but is that so surprising from such a creative and loving God?
    Love Aunt Linda
