Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No time like NUN time

So Last night was the last night of Bell choir for this semester and to finish off our year we had our last performance at a Nunnery slash Convent.

I was excited for this for a variety of reasons:

1) I had never seen a Nun in real life before

2) Nun's are referred to as "Sisters". This makes me smile because in Kentucky we would always refer to each other as "Sister" or "Brotha" in a Kentucky accent

and 3) Of course, I just love Bell Choir (whether its a practice or performance; Convent or "Nun" (hehe...punny joke)

When we first arrived, I was struck by the beautiful grounds of the convent. The grass was green and the gardens were beautiful. The Convent was a tall, stone building. I was surprised by how big it was. I thought that it was going to be a small building with 10 or so retired Nuns living there, but we learned that retired nuns from all around the world come to live there. There was one from Germany and England. I'm not sure how many actually reside there, but I would say around 50 nuns came to hear us play.

When we walked into the room where we were going to be playing, there were a few nuns there just hanging out. There were a few on the computers playing Solitare and one was playing Bejeweled. This made me smile. Many of the nuns that came were not wearing their Habits (this is the head piece) but a few were wearing them and their uniform.

The performance was the best one we have had yet! The nuns were all so cute and appreciative. They loved that we could come. Elizabeth always asks the audience if they have any questions. The Nuns asked very good questions and several of them came up afterwards and tried out the bells.

My very favorite part was when the Nuns sang us their blessing after we were finished.

Several things I learned were:
1) I have probably seen a Nun before because they look like any other senior

2) I want to become a temporary nun sometime because I think it would be an incredible experience bonding with these women who have dedicated their lives to the Lord. I want to Marry Jesus and I want to hear the stories of other women who did too

3) I'm really going to miss bell choir next year.

Bell choir is always looking for new members... :)

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