Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Something I have learned about myself is that I can become a little crazy sometimes.

For instance, sometimes when I eat oatmeal (especially Quaker's) I am off the wall. When I drink coffee I laugh alot.

Sometimes I start rambling on in a Nacho Libre accent, and sometimes it is more like a 5 year old child. I write a birthday card in Dutch to my immigrant friend that when translated it reads "You are a Watermelon in a Garden full of Peas".

I know several phrases in Dutch Sign language including: "I am not a big fan of dead moose at the side of the road"

If you catch me at a moment where I am really REALLY laughing my hardest, I throw my head back and just laugh. I also love when other people laugh, so the comedian side in me comes out just to hear the music of other peoples laughter.

I don't do breakfast foods. At breakfast time my favorite thing to eat is leftovers from the night before. From Chili to pizza I will eat it for breaky. (Let me just note that my Dad thinks this is absolutely crazy---for those of you who don't know though: He's the Egg Man)

I don't have facebook. Some people think this is crazy. In fact I used to have it, I got rid of it, and to all you facebook addicts: Life is better without it! Immma Tellin' Ya. It sounds crazy. I know.

While other peoples favorite animals are dogs, cats and horses, mine is a fish named Nacho Crub Dos. I call him "My little Man". I used to have another fish named Nacho Leesha Tobias. I trained him to come to the top of his tank when I shook his food. Some people (I won't mention any names...you know who you are) think I'm crazy. But its true. (Feel free to call me a fish whisperer...HAHA jusss' kiddin')

I'm in a Bell choir=Pretty Crazy

I dance in my kitchen. I sing in my Shower= Pretty Crazy

Crazy Crazy Crazy..


Next Year I am going to a DTS. Its crazy. I am crazy excited. Its going to be a LIFE-CHANGING experience. Some people say I am crazy for going to a discipleship training school in September. It's not your regular, "Where are you going after highschool answer". I have had a few people tell me that I should be going to nursing right away. "A smart girl like you should be continuing their education". Because to some it seems UTTER CRAZINESS, they ask me why I am going...

WELL. You could say I'm Crazy about Jesus. That's Why.
It's Crazy Love.

Okay. I admit. I'm Crazy.

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