Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This Picture was supposed to go along with the Lacrosse post. This is me and my friend Grace after our very short season of Lacrosse.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


We dissected a cows eye today in biology.
Counting down the days left of this course.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Yesterday I joined the Lacrosse team at my school.
Today was our first game (an probably our only game).
We held up pretty well for a team that hasn't practiced all that much together.
We ended up losing 3-0.
It was SO FUN though! I hope that we have a chance to play another game (slash I hope that wasn't our first AND last game of the season)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Dissected a Sheep brain today. NBD.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Yesterday me and Habunta went and caught Pollywogs. We were right down getting dirty in the pond. We managed to catch one. We also saw a turtle. The End

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


today my dad was taking the email from a customer:


While he was trying to explain that the customer was "Jay-Underscore....at Hot-dot-com). Instead of an underscore the J was underlined. Instead of lowercase letters, all the letters were CAPS lock. I also discovered that rather than "--@hot.com" he meant "--@hotmail.com". We cleared it all up and the email was sent and received on the other end:


Dad. You make me smile. I love you.

No time like NUN time

So Last night was the last night of Bell choir for this semester and to finish off our year we had our last performance at a Nunnery slash Convent.

I was excited for this for a variety of reasons:

1) I had never seen a Nun in real life before

2) Nun's are referred to as "Sisters". This makes me smile because in Kentucky we would always refer to each other as "Sister" or "Brotha" in a Kentucky accent

and 3) Of course, I just love Bell Choir (whether its a practice or performance; Convent or "Nun" (hehe...punny joke)

When we first arrived, I was struck by the beautiful grounds of the convent. The grass was green and the gardens were beautiful. The Convent was a tall, stone building. I was surprised by how big it was. I thought that it was going to be a small building with 10 or so retired Nuns living there, but we learned that retired nuns from all around the world come to live there. There was one from Germany and England. I'm not sure how many actually reside there, but I would say around 50 nuns came to hear us play.

When we walked into the room where we were going to be playing, there were a few nuns there just hanging out. There were a few on the computers playing Solitare and one was playing Bejeweled. This made me smile. Many of the nuns that came were not wearing their Habits (this is the head piece) but a few were wearing them and their uniform.

The performance was the best one we have had yet! The nuns were all so cute and appreciative. They loved that we could come. Elizabeth always asks the audience if they have any questions. The Nuns asked very good questions and several of them came up afterwards and tried out the bells.

My very favorite part was when the Nuns sang us their blessing after we were finished.

Several things I learned were:
1) I have probably seen a Nun before because they look like any other senior

2) I want to become a temporary nun sometime because I think it would be an incredible experience bonding with these women who have dedicated their lives to the Lord. I want to Marry Jesus and I want to hear the stories of other women who did too

3) I'm really going to miss bell choir next year.

Bell choir is always looking for new members... :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Such a Season

What a good Season! Boston Rob won.

Boston Rob played the game with such (side note: i love the word 'such' because it is 'so much' wrapped up into one little word 'such) strategy. Rob had SUCH strategy.
He deserved to win. I think he earned it.

Not to say that other people didn't play a good game or deserve to win.
I would have loved to see Matt win. It was so cool to see a man so in love with the Lord playing the game of Survivor.

I'll add that there were many great moments in the reunion show: seeing all the cast after they have watched the entire season waiting to find out who won, seeing David propose, seeing Rob and Amber with their two daughers (I remember the season Amber won! haha), hearing more about Phillip the ACTUAL federal agent...but maybe the best part of the reunion show was when Russell and Rob shake hands. Everything is all wrapped up...it is now completely clear who is the stronger player between the two (Ange, I threw that comment in for you especially) I don't think Rob will be back. I do think Russell will be back. Is Russell a changed man? If he returns, can he win?

O Survivor. Thanks for such a great season. Such a great one.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Decided to be a rebel today and skip biology class:

200 people were missing from my school today (from a school population of less than 500 you really notice). Many people were missing from each of my classes. So...

Families Class: Work Period
Chemistry Class: Work Period
Biology Class: Watching a dumb movie that has nothing to do with what we are learning about (Mr. P was gone...so that was the extent of what he left the substitute with "Planet Earth" Videos)

I had so much other stuff that I could have done during this time (for instance Chemistry homework). I decided that my priorities did not include going to biology to waste my time.
So I skipped.

You could call this a rebel move. The first time I ever skipped a class.
But I texted my mom saying,
"I'm skipping Biology...Just thought I would let you know"

Maybe not so much a rebel move. HAHA.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Spare Time

So I titled this blog post "Spare Time" not because I have alot of spare time. Actually Spare time is extremely few and far between.

But when I was on Spare the other day after working on homework the entire time, a few of my friends and I decided to take a few pictures.

(I hope they don't mind me sharing a few with you)

Recognize any of my RIDICULOUS friends? hehe. If they made you smile, they make me smile too.


Someone just said that we were 98% done highschool.
This made me VERY excited

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Something I have learned about myself is that I can become a little crazy sometimes.

For instance, sometimes when I eat oatmeal (especially Quaker's) I am off the wall. When I drink coffee I laugh alot.

Sometimes I start rambling on in a Nacho Libre accent, and sometimes it is more like a 5 year old child. I write a birthday card in Dutch to my immigrant friend that when translated it reads "You are a Watermelon in a Garden full of Peas".

I know several phrases in Dutch Sign language including: "I am not a big fan of dead moose at the side of the road"

If you catch me at a moment where I am really REALLY laughing my hardest, I throw my head back and just laugh. I also love when other people laugh, so the comedian side in me comes out just to hear the music of other peoples laughter.

I don't do breakfast foods. At breakfast time my favorite thing to eat is leftovers from the night before. From Chili to pizza I will eat it for breaky. (Let me just note that my Dad thinks this is absolutely crazy---for those of you who don't know though: He's the Egg Man)

I don't have facebook. Some people think this is crazy. In fact I used to have it, I got rid of it, and to all you facebook addicts: Life is better without it! Immma Tellin' Ya. It sounds crazy. I know.

While other peoples favorite animals are dogs, cats and horses, mine is a fish named Nacho Crub Dos. I call him "My little Man". I used to have another fish named Nacho Leesha Tobias. I trained him to come to the top of his tank when I shook his food. Some people (I won't mention any names...you know who you are) think I'm crazy. But its true. (Feel free to call me a fish whisperer...HAHA jusss' kiddin')

I'm in a Bell choir=Pretty Crazy

I dance in my kitchen. I sing in my Shower= Pretty Crazy

Crazy Crazy Crazy..


Next Year I am going to a DTS. Its crazy. I am crazy excited. Its going to be a LIFE-CHANGING experience. Some people say I am crazy for going to a discipleship training school in September. It's not your regular, "Where are you going after highschool answer". I have had a few people tell me that I should be going to nursing right away. "A smart girl like you should be continuing their education". Because to some it seems UTTER CRAZINESS, they ask me why I am going...

WELL. You could say I'm Crazy about Jesus. That's Why.
It's Crazy Love.

Okay. I admit. I'm Crazy.

Friday, May 6, 2011


Happy Nineteenth.
You are amazing! I love you tonnes!
Best Friends Forever.
Hope you have a great day

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May Four

Its National Starwars Day (Also known as Luke Skywalker Day)

Happy Starwars Day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Double Dream Feet Dance

School is extremely busy at this point in time. I found this video that makes me smile and laugh everytime I watch it. It is now the video I watch when I need some smiling despite the circumstances (SDC) as I work on a lot of homework in Families, Chemistry, and Biology and more Families (and so on...)

Double Dream Feet. Its funny. Its Rediculous. Its outrageous.

Watch this video. It will make you smile.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Safely in the Arms of Jesus

5 Years ago yesterday David went to be with Jesus.
I know he is having a party.

Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?

Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world Goodbye
Then go in peace and Laugh on Glory's side

And Fly to Jesus, Fly to Jesus, Fly to Jesus AND LIVE

David, you hold a special place in my heart. I have memories of spending summers playing with you and William. You taught me how to play Frogger and I helped you search for bottlecaps. One of the hardest things I think was saying goodbye, because we would rather have you here with us. But I know you are free from pain. I know you are home safely in the arms of Jesus. I am sad when I miss you, I am overjoyed to know you are in Glory. I Love you Forever. See you soon.