Monday, February 21, 2011

ramblings of one's weekend

It all started on Friday. Well after school Friday that is...because Friday was the start to a long weekend. Friday I came home from school and two of my best friends were there and then another one of my best friends was there. Sometimes just the presence of the people you love is enough.

And Friday nights I go to GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour). And it was Gym night. I go prepared with some sweats and a Tee on. Then it turned out to be a FULL OUT gym night and I found myself running around a Gym, doing exercises, playing games with a parachute (which by the way took me back to the good ol' years in fun!) and found myself crawling, rolling, skipping, scooting and running. It was a workout! HAHA!

Mostly felt it the next day when I was getting up for work at 4:30. Yes indeed, the day after Friday was Saturday. And after a workout Friday night, my muscles told me Saturday: "We are Sore! We need rest!". But went to the market nonetheless. Market was good. I enjoy working with my sister and we always have some good times.

After Market Saturday, Kat was having friends over so me and Em escaped the house once more to go see a movie..."what movie?" you may ask...BIG MOMMAS: Like Father, Like Son. That was some good you can imagine at this point we had been up since 4:30 am and it now felt like bedtime.

SAWEET SUNDAY...Sunday travelled up to Barrie for some chillen with the FamJam there. We went to church in the morning. In the afternoon after some AMAZING GRANDMA PEA SOUP!! :) we went to my cousin's play performance. She was in the Childrens Choir for Joseph and the Technicoloured Dream Coat. I had a very enjoyable time. It was a beautiful performance and she really did so SO well. GREAT JOB K.J.T!

Sunday night we left Barrie after dinner. We made it home just in time for.....

THE AMAZING RACE PREMIER! Fans favourites came back for a second chance at the $1 000 000! I have so many favourite teams and I don't know who I am rooting for. Definately love the Globetrotters and Malory and her dad...the Cowboys and...O I can't decide yet. HAHA :)

ARISE AND SHINE...Its Monday Morning...BUT WAIT...its FAMILY DAY!! :) woot No school!! Family Day Tradition is to go out for breaky with our Family but also our second family :) It was a good time filled with laughs and good food (or laughs over the good sausage dillema) Afterwards some peeps came over and we played President/Butt (whatever you wish to call it).

And that brought us to about noon. And after about noon we travelled up to one of my favourite places (if not my favorite place in the world) CAMP SHALOM. Winter Carnaval!! Saw some camp friends, did some skating, got some blisters from the skating, went tobogganing, O SO FUN! :) love. camp. (L).

After came home and hung out with one of my besties. Had a good chat. Haven't been able to chat with her for a while and miss her all the time. We did some drawing. We did more talking about camp. About working there this summer. We played Bop It and failed! HAHA

And that brings me to now. Well that was my weekend. Prollly means nothing much to most people. Just the ramblings of someone who thoroughly enjoyed their weekend.


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