Saturday, July 17, 2010

Another Week

Another week has flown by. This week was the first week of adventure camp and munchkins reloaded. The week had 104 campers plus staff and volunteers, so everyday I felt we were feeding a mini army! hehe. Meal times were loud and boisterous. There was never a moment of silence as cabins were constantly singing Fun Songs (or if those were used up..QUITE likely) they would sing:

There ain't no _______ on us
There ain't no _______ on us
There might be blank on you _______
But there ain't no _______ on us

I have to say I heard "There ain't no cheaters on us...There might be cheaters on you Uncle Peter..." at least 3 times.... Pandas on Aunt Amanda 2 or more times.

We had four kitchen volunteers this week. One of them called me Bridget all week. nbd. But then on Friday I found out that one of the volunteers name was Jane and I'm pretty sure that the whole week I thought it was Joan and I would have called her that. hehe
The volunteers were not good listeners so that could be frustrating, but with the amount of work and prep we had as well as cleanup and dishes, the volunteers were an EXTREME blessing

Highlight of the week was definitely cleaning the bathrooms with the lifeguards yesterday. They were behind schedule and my best friend looked a little stressed so I decided to help them out. I had no clue what I was doing at first but I started to catch on. Then we started belting out songs like Swing Low and This Train is Bound for Glory. We laughed really loud, and were just being plain dumb. It was pretty hard work, but with the friends that were there we just laughed our way through it. I laughed harder than the whole week combined in the 1 hour time frame of cleaning the bathrooms. We took the Shop-Vac and put it up to our faces. It distorted our cheeks and stuff and the power of the suction, sucked the spit right out of our mouth. We really looked like fools, but whatevs. We even took a video of it. Hahaha. GOOD TIMES!

Another Highlight was bonding with other support staff.
"This is how real women fight!" (playing Punch for Punch)

"When I say Maintentence you say Food Service. Maitenence. Foodservice. Maitenence. FoodService"

Talking out in the gazebo until midnight with a friend. No I was not wearing Bug-spray. Yes I wish I was.

I had a few chances to bond with campers too. It is always so great to still be part of their week at camp.

A couple of girls from cabin 2 were sick and homesick. I sat with one in the Nurses station. The other one I made laugh because I dropped my cookie on the ground stepped on it, then picked it up and ate it.

I taught a few of the girls from cabin 2 how to make friendship bracelets and I helped with sewing with the Day campers

So many stories to tell. One of the oddest/ most odd things that happened to me was on Wednesday/BBQ day, I was BBQing and this tree frog just lands on the BBQ. At first I didn't see it because it kind of camouflaged by the burgers. I didnt know what to do, so I just yelled to Kaitlyn to come help, Kaitlyn had no idea why I was calling her, she came over, screamed and the Tree Frog proceeded into jumping into the bottom of the BBQ. The intense heat then caused the Frog to die belly up. Through the grill, all you could see was a dead frog belly up.

There are so many stories to tell. But I don't always remember them all. All together as a whole the week pulled together for an awesome, full week.

The JOY of the LORD is my strength

1 comment:

  1. you have no idea how much this makes me miss camp! me thinks i should pay you a visit sometime...
