Friday, April 29, 2011

And They Lived Happily Ever After...

Today the buzz was all about the Royal Wedding. Prince William got married to Kate Middleton this morning. Some people got up early to watch the ceremony. When I got up, it was playing on the T.V as we were getting ready for school.

What's all the fuss about? Some people honestly could care less. "Its just a wedding" I heard some people say today. This is true. It is just a wedding. I am not one to make a big fuss about celebrities. They are just two people trying to get married. I wouldn't go out to but the souveniers of Prince William and Kate (T-Shirts, Cups...You name it).

But really. It is pretty cool to say that you saw a real Royal Wedding. The ending to popular fairy tales..."And They Lived Happily Ever After". The story every little girl dreams about: meeting a Prince and falling in love.

Some people say "Its just a Wedding" and "I doubt it will even last"... I say: "Why not dream a little?"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

God Watches Survivor

So it has been a while since I have Survivor Ranted. And I have only seen the first 20 minutes so far. But seems as I have been missing a pretty cool season!

At Redemption Island, Matt entered the challenge at peace to go home. He said he would be there as long as God wanted him to be there.

At first during the challenge it seemed he was not trying. But he pulled through and was the first out of the three to win the challenge. Mike got it next sending Julie home.

I thought Jeff's comment was pretty cool:
"God's not finished with you yet!"

But what I thought was really cool was when Julie was commenting on getting out, she said that she was in the game to win the million dollars, but she said she is walking away with a lot more. Matt's faith in God has been an inspiration and shes going to start going to church!

Some people think Survivor is a dumb show (I won't mention any names..but you know who you are..haha ;)

But I think its pretty cool how God is working through Matt in the Reality T.V show of Survivor. Who knows how many lives have been touched by Matt's faith.

So I guess God watches Survivor too :)

Roller Coaster

Today could be best described as a roller coaster day

There were ups and downs. The morning was an up: got to sleep in (to 7:30 but still better than getting up at 6). I had the morning off today and I spent it in the quietness of my house.

I was studying for two tests. This of course was the downer of the day. At lunch I went to school and faced first: a Chemistry test, then 81 minutes later: a Biology test.

I'm Really quite unsure how these tests went, but I am sure that after they were both done, the day was a bit better. A load was lifted.

And Like I posted earlier, it is Survivor tonight.

I have survived the Roller Coaster of today. Tommorow is a new day.


So tonight is SURVIVOR and I get to watch it again! I'm excited. Juss' Sayin :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Dress

Last night me and the girls (aka Mom, Em, and Kat) went shopping. I knew I needed to get a prom dress sooner or later so i decided to look for it.

I have to confess, I was not the happiest shopper. I am already not a big fan of shopping, let alone shopping for a dress.

I tried on some dresses. I was quite unsure that I would even find a dress. I wasn't thrilled on going to prom. I had no idea what kind of dress I was looking for. (To be completely honest, my mom bought my grade 8 grad dress in my absence) This was my very first dress shopping excursion!

One of the stores we went to only allowed one person per change room which was quite inconvenient for zipping up dresses and taking them off again.

"This ones too short"
"That is too frilly"
"I like it...but its way out of my price range"
"I dont like the way this one fits"
"this one feels awk" (love the word awkward shortend to awk...jusst sayin')

... and finally I found THE DRESS.

The dress I will wear to my Prom. One night that I will spend with the friends and classmates I have spent four significant years with. At first I wasn't thrilled to go to Prom. I mean...if you know me, its not my thing..AT ALL to dress up for fun.

But I'm a bit more excited for it now. Its that night that we can all be together one last time to hang out. We will see each other in a couple days after at graduation to say the official "Congrats" and "Goodbyes" and the "We will keep in touch" and "All the Best"... prom lets have a blast! Let's finish off Highschool with laughs and memories and a night where we can shine and have fun :) for the dress that has made me to go on this Prom rant...


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Dumb Blog-Anniversary Edition.

It was a Tuesday. In fact it was exactly a year ago from today. Tuesday April 20th.

I started this blog.

Not knowing if it would be a success. Expecting it to be a fail. But trying it for a year.

And here we are.

I have to say I have loved having "My Dumb Blog". Its been a place for rants, a place to jot something funny that happened that lyrics...what God has been teaching me.

I just thought I would recognize "My Dumb Blog's" first anniversary. No big Deal or anything.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hymn Sing

Em and I were Listening to some hymns tonight. Heres some excerpts:

Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord, to thee.
Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of thy love.
Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee.

O how marvelous! O how wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
O how marvelous! O how wonderful!
Is my Savior's love for me!

Then Sings my soul
My Saviour God to Thee
How Great Thou art!
How Great Thou art!

E’er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply,
Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.
And shall be till I die, and shall be till I die;
Redeeming love has been my theme, and shall be till I die.

Holy, Holy Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Highest praises, honor and glory
Be unto Your Name
Be unto Your Name

Some glad morning when this life is o'er,
I'll fly away;
To a home on God's celestial shore,
I'll fly away

I'll fly away, Oh Glory
I'll fly away
When I die, Hallelujah, by and by,
I'll fly away

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


There was a skunk in our backyard and then I skunked Crub in Cribbage.
I laughed at the coincidence.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus.
Mother Teresa


Happy Birfday Habunta!
You are 20---Half-way up the hill! :) hehe

Love you LOTS AND LOTS my dear FROUSIN (Friend + Cousin)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Children at Risk DTS

I mentioned a couple posts ago that I'm going to Wisconson in September-March next year.
I just thought I would attach the web-link:


Played Dutch Blitz all afternoon :)
It was "Vonderful Goot Fun!"

P.S. I love the Dutch Blitz Poem (I hope its ledgible)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Is it on?

Funny moment on the way home from GEMS tonight:

We were all squished into Crub's truck. Cousin J, Cousin G, and Cousin C. Cousin C is 7 so he had to sit in the front of the truck between me and Crub because He is the smallest.

Crub: "C is lucky he gets special seat in shotgun!"
With a worried look Cousin C asks:
Cousin C: "Is it on?"

BAHAHA. I laughed.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Ritz liked to play

In the Barn among the hay

She was a little calf

She always made me laugh

If you had met this cow

You might have said "Wow"

Ritz was black and white

And me, she never did bite

This is also cause we never met

I had not gotten there yet

But a special bond we did share

For the baby cow, Ritz, I did care

Rest in Peace Ritz.

This is a tribute to Ritz. She never did live to see her first birthday (she did not even live to see her 1/2 birthday). She was the best cow I ever had the privilege of naming.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Not my Will but Yours be done

Not my will but Yours be done….It’s a prayer Jesus prayed. I started praying this prayer at the beginning of Grade 11. Grade 11 for me was when I started to realize that the classes I took counted toward something. I was looking toward what I was supposed to do after high school and praying where God was leading me go. Rather than a nursing program that I thought I would be attending next year, God lead me to apply to Youth With A Mission Discipleship Training School.

It wasn’t a one-day answer. God spoke to me many times over this past year, through different scripture passages or even through people (some of whom I did not even know). Sometimes I was sure that God was calling me to do this and then others I would think that it was in my head. God was patient with me and over and over confirmed that I needed to trust Him and that this was what He wanted me to do.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)

YWAM schools are all around the world and each school has different focuses. A friend of mine loves dance so she attended a school that used her gift of dance to praise God and reach out also as a ministry for God. Other schools include talents such as sports or passions such as social justice. I knew that God was going to use me where he thought I could best serve using the gifts and talents he has given me.

And that is how I found the Children at Risk DTS in Madison, Wisconsin. I have a passion and love for working with kids. The program runs from September 18, 2011 to March 6, 2012. In Children at Risk DTS I will first be spending time in discipleship training on topics such as developing a Christian lifestyle and our role in world missions. After the training I will be going 10 weeks of field ministry ministering to Children at Risk. The outreaches usually go to Asia, Africa, Latin America, or the Caribbean including ministry to the poor, needy, orphans, refugees, and slum communities through evangelism, teaching, and work projects

I am excited to share this with you all, my church family and friends. I covet your prayers as God prepares my heart for all he has in store for next year. Please also pray for the teachers and other individuals that will be attending the DTS that God will prepare their hearts as well.

When you pray something, expect God to answer because he does.

Not my will but Yours be done.

My Handsome Lil' Man

Heres the Handsome little man in my life. He has an array of beautiful Blue and Orange/Yellow fins. He brings me a lot of joy. He happily swims all day. He never complains. He always eats all his food and he hardly makes a mess in his tank. Nacho Crub Dos. My Handsome Lil' Man. Don't ever change!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Midterm Mark

We are at the mid-term mark folks.

This means that there is only half of a Semester left of highschool! 75% done grade 12! This also means that I am 93.75% done my Highschool career! WOW

If you can't tell, I am extremely excited for this year to be over. Just Half a Semester left. Just Half a Semester left.