Wednesday, April 27, 2011

God Watches Survivor

So it has been a while since I have Survivor Ranted. And I have only seen the first 20 minutes so far. But seems as I have been missing a pretty cool season!

At Redemption Island, Matt entered the challenge at peace to go home. He said he would be there as long as God wanted him to be there.

At first during the challenge it seemed he was not trying. But he pulled through and was the first out of the three to win the challenge. Mike got it next sending Julie home.

I thought Jeff's comment was pretty cool:
"God's not finished with you yet!"

But what I thought was really cool was when Julie was commenting on getting out, she said that she was in the game to win the million dollars, but she said she is walking away with a lot more. Matt's faith in God has been an inspiration and shes going to start going to church!

Some people think Survivor is a dumb show (I won't mention any names..but you know who you are..haha ;)

But I think its pretty cool how God is working through Matt in the Reality T.V show of Survivor. Who knows how many lives have been touched by Matt's faith.

So I guess God watches Survivor too :)

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