Friday, April 29, 2011

And They Lived Happily Ever After...

Today the buzz was all about the Royal Wedding. Prince William got married to Kate Middleton this morning. Some people got up early to watch the ceremony. When I got up, it was playing on the T.V as we were getting ready for school.

What's all the fuss about? Some people honestly could care less. "Its just a wedding" I heard some people say today. This is true. It is just a wedding. I am not one to make a big fuss about celebrities. They are just two people trying to get married. I wouldn't go out to but the souveniers of Prince William and Kate (T-Shirts, Cups...You name it).

But really. It is pretty cool to say that you saw a real Royal Wedding. The ending to popular fairy tales..."And They Lived Happily Ever After". The story every little girl dreams about: meeting a Prince and falling in love.

Some people say "Its just a Wedding" and "I doubt it will even last"... I say: "Why not dream a little?"

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