Thursday, June 2, 2011


Went to IKEA tonight with Em and her two friends. We walked through the entire store I think. I discovered that IKEA has everything! I was tempted at one point to jump of the stairs into a bin of pillows below, but I resisted. Then I saw an ice cube tray in the shape of fish, so I bought it (cause Fish are my favourite animals). Em, Amanda, and Ange bought some stuff for their of which was a large framed black and white picture with a red bike. We did self checkout and then Ange went to go get her car so we could load everything.Everything fit into the trunk except for the picture. Ange and I were going to hold that on our laps in the back. We faced just one problem:

The Picture wouldn't fit into the car. We tried every which way. Through the trunk. Through the Front seat. Ange even thought about breaking her car a bit so that it would fit (They REALLY wanted this picture). As we tried to get it into the car, Em went and bought us all ice cream (very cheap IKEA ice cream).

So we contemplated as we ate ice cream. My idea was to drive with it on the roof and hold it with our hands then just drive back roads. They all thought that was a bad idea (I liked it and still do like the idea..haha)

Finally we called up Pacha and he came with the pickup truck. Problem solved. haha
It was a fun time.

And another random fact: the girl Ange went home and when she got there, her boyfriend proposed! CONGRATS ANGE! (and boy)

and I am excited for my Ice Cube Tray.

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