Tuesday, August 31, 2010

An inner nose Injury

So today as I was being tickled by my sister and cousin, I lost all control (as what tends to happen when people tickle me), and my thumb..MY THUMB...went up my nose and the nail sliced the inside of my nose causing it to bleed a little. It hurt a great lot.

Why I told you this story. Probably just so everyone is aware that I am able to injure myself in incredible odd ways including with plastic knives and tongs. Thats Talent.

Where did summer go?

Summer just flew by. Working at camp has been AMAZING. People keep asking me, "Well did you get sick of being there?" and "Did you get tired of the campers", and the real answer is No.

Looking back at the summer, some ULTIMATE HIGHLIGHTS:

There we stood. Staff before revival praying over the staff participating in revival, the chaplin, and for the campers. When we were praying for the campers, suddenly the name 'Alex' came into my head. Not knowing even if there was an Alex at camp, I prayed, God be with the camper named Alex.
It was an amazing night at revival. There is a series of skits that the campers go through that is a story illustrating the burdens Christ carries for us and the love that he has for us. There were a few kids by the end of the night that had accepted Jesus as their Savior. During the chat that the chaplin was giving to the campers, my friend Seth came up to me all excited and said that one of his campers had given his life to Jesus. It was super exciting news.
The next day people were signing up for interest groups and as I was sitting there a kid named Alex signed up for my interest group. I remembered that I had prayed for a kid named Alex on revival night and this kid was in my Seth's cabin.
"Seth. Do you have a kid named 'Alex' your cabin?"
"Is the kid that gave his life to Jesus, is his name Alex?"
"Yeah. How did you know?"
"I have a super cool God story to tell you."

Both special needs week were awesome. I saw a lot of guests that I saw from week 1 again in week 4. I kinda missed Coach and his dancing from first week. I got lots of hugs throughout the week. Pastor Stan was there as the Chaplin and he did such a great job making easy to understand messages for the guests as well as interacting with them every spare moment. It was the first time I have ever shaken hands with an invisible boyfriend.

Revival night during Senior week. Teens and staff who were filled with overwhelming praise and joy for God. Worshipping loudly and unashamed.

Being part of a unified staff. Love them to bits and pieces. The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 1 Cor. 12

God speaking to me more about where he wants to lead me after this year in highschool. Super SUPER pumped.

Basically there are just so many stories to tell. It has been a summer to remember.