Monday, February 28, 2011


So Basically I am really failing at blogging this semester. I have Families and Biology and Chemistry and my mind is constantly trying to wrap itself around the chemical formulas for enzymes and the condensation reaction for blah blah...I love families class, but un-necessary homework...well its just...not necessary. I haven't been able to read a book for book club since last semester. I go to the meetings and enjoy a treat that our lovely librarians bake and I listen to the Grade 10 girls who are just so enthusiastic and avid readers. I can not remember the last book that I read for enjoyment or just because I love to read. I missed a youth service to catch up on homework. I missed a weeks worth of lunch hours to do homework.

sigh. I make it sound way worse than it actually is. Haha. I make time for myself occaisionally (for instance I got to see some friends on Saturday that I haven't seen in a while and spent a little bit of time with 'em!) So fun!

But I see Grade 12 as the best and worst year. You can finally see something beyond the walls of high-school coming in the near future. Each and everyday is a step closer to being finished with the drama of school and the daily routine of getting up early and catching your standard Yellow school bus and on a good day getting stuck in traffic and getting late to class with a legitimate reason. There have definitely been highlights of my year which have included (but are not limited to) the Grade 12 trip and spare last semester. I like finding a reason to smile everyday and there is always something that can make you smile.

Maybe its easy for me to say I can hardly wait for school to be over and for this new journey to start because I am taking a year off before going off to a University or College. Where will I be after my year off? Couldn't say at this point.

But for now...

O Grade 12. Taking it one day at a time. Soon enough it will be March Break and I will be singing Odes of "Joy to the World March Break Has Come" (coincidentally to the same tune as the Pop Christmas Classic "Joy to the World")

and in a moment like this i remember to SDC (smile despite circumstances) and think of Nacho Libre quotes in which I smile. ALOT. "My life is good. Real good"

The Untitled Hymn

A beautiful hymn that talks about our journey of Life. At different times in our lives it applies differently, but no matter the circumstances we find ourself in through life, Jesus is always there. Jesus's love is constant.

Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die
O, raise your head for Love is passing by

Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus and live

Now your burden's lifted
And carried far away
And precious blood has washed away the stain

Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus and live

And like a newborn baby
Don't be afraid to crawl
And remember when you walk sometimes we fall

Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus and live

Sometimes the way is lonely
And steep and filled with pain
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain

Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus and live

O, and when the love spills over
And music fills the night
And when you can't contain you joy inside

Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus and live

And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side

Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live

Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live

-Chris Rice

Follow this link and be blessed by this beautiful song or just read the lyrics above and let the words speak to you in whatever circumstances you find yourself in today.

Monday, February 21, 2011

ramblings of one's weekend

It all started on Friday. Well after school Friday that is...because Friday was the start to a long weekend. Friday I came home from school and two of my best friends were there and then another one of my best friends was there. Sometimes just the presence of the people you love is enough.

And Friday nights I go to GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour). And it was Gym night. I go prepared with some sweats and a Tee on. Then it turned out to be a FULL OUT gym night and I found myself running around a Gym, doing exercises, playing games with a parachute (which by the way took me back to the good ol' years in fun!) and found myself crawling, rolling, skipping, scooting and running. It was a workout! HAHA!

Mostly felt it the next day when I was getting up for work at 4:30. Yes indeed, the day after Friday was Saturday. And after a workout Friday night, my muscles told me Saturday: "We are Sore! We need rest!". But went to the market nonetheless. Market was good. I enjoy working with my sister and we always have some good times.

After Market Saturday, Kat was having friends over so me and Em escaped the house once more to go see a movie..."what movie?" you may ask...BIG MOMMAS: Like Father, Like Son. That was some good you can imagine at this point we had been up since 4:30 am and it now felt like bedtime.

SAWEET SUNDAY...Sunday travelled up to Barrie for some chillen with the FamJam there. We went to church in the morning. In the afternoon after some AMAZING GRANDMA PEA SOUP!! :) we went to my cousin's play performance. She was in the Childrens Choir for Joseph and the Technicoloured Dream Coat. I had a very enjoyable time. It was a beautiful performance and she really did so SO well. GREAT JOB K.J.T!

Sunday night we left Barrie after dinner. We made it home just in time for.....

THE AMAZING RACE PREMIER! Fans favourites came back for a second chance at the $1 000 000! I have so many favourite teams and I don't know who I am rooting for. Definately love the Globetrotters and Malory and her dad...the Cowboys and...O I can't decide yet. HAHA :)

ARISE AND SHINE...Its Monday Morning...BUT WAIT...its FAMILY DAY!! :) woot No school!! Family Day Tradition is to go out for breaky with our Family but also our second family :) It was a good time filled with laughs and good food (or laughs over the good sausage dillema) Afterwards some peeps came over and we played President/Butt (whatever you wish to call it).

And that brought us to about noon. And after about noon we travelled up to one of my favourite places (if not my favorite place in the world) CAMP SHALOM. Winter Carnaval!! Saw some camp friends, did some skating, got some blisters from the skating, went tobogganing, O SO FUN! :) love. camp. (L).

After came home and hung out with one of my besties. Had a good chat. Haven't been able to chat with her for a while and miss her all the time. We did some drawing. We did more talking about camp. About working there this summer. We played Bop It and failed! HAHA

And that brings me to now. Well that was my weekend. Prollly means nothing much to most people. Just the ramblings of someone who thoroughly enjoyed their weekend.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island

I tend to get a little excited when Survivor is on...
I tend to get ALOT excited when its the season premier!
After just the Season premier:

I have already laughed..Phillip is a NEWB what can I say...He goes on little rants about being trustworthy then goes on and spills the entire can of beans...not just a few: THE ENTIRE CAN OF BEANS. BAHA. He goes on and tells everyone that hes a forensic Franscesca's line: "Who cares?" haha

Trouble is always brewing with scheming Russell...and when you add Boston Rob to the mix, things could get a little bit heated between the two.

To add even more excitement, when someone is voted off, they don't go home, they go to Redemption Island. Redemption Island is where someone goes when they get voted out and they have a chance of redemption and getting back in the game.

This post is mostly to say that i am very excited that Survivor is up and running again.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Inhaling Helium

last night we went to my church for a variety night. It was for raising money for our Kentucky Mission trip in March. The gym was nicely decorated with stars and balloons. Talented singers, reciters...talents that ranged from "I love my slippers Song" to "The Evolution of Dance" from ... the talented both young and old, the night was alot of fun!!

I participated in a talent...Karen and I beatboxed to Bible in a minute..Kat, Bindy and Steph actually rapped the song. This is kindof how it was:

After a great night of fun and fellowship, people left and we continued to clean up.
What to DO with the balloons?! These rubbery floating ovals that are filled with Helium (He on the Periodic table of the Elements.WELL...

First we had races to see who could walk across the gym with them on our heads.

Then we played basketball throwing the weight through the hoop then pulling the balloons through.

Some balloons were lost to the rafters. Not cool.

But our best idea?


I don't know why I failed to realize the funniness for my entire life until now. When you inhale helium then talk or laugh, your voice is extremely high pitched. You sound alot like Alvin and the Chipmunks..


Monday, February 7, 2011

Giraffe Necks


If you think about it, Giraffes necks are the perfect design. They are yellow; they are brown. The Giraffe's Neck is one of a Kind. There is none other that comes close to the greatness of the Giraffe's high and mighty neck.

You could say the same thing about these yummy squares that I made tonight:
They are yellow (or a light brown) and they are brown (a chocolatey brown). These squares are one of a kind with their unique taste of both brownie and cookie. There is none other that comes close to the greatness of the Giraffe Neck Square (this may be a bit of a hyperbole). These squares are delicious!

First made this recipie at camp while working in the kitchen last summer. Became a quick favourite among staff and campers alike. For the first time since the summer I have made these yummy treats.


Giraffe Neck Squares

2 cups margarine
4 cups brown sugar
4 eggs
4 tsp vanilla
4 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
4 cups rolled oats

3/4 cup cocoa
1 can sweetened condensed milk
3/4 cup margarine
2 tsp vanilla

Mix the base ingredients and spread 2/3 into a greased pan. Mix the filling and heat at medium heat until smooth. Add the vanilla after heating. Spread the fudge filling over the base and dot with remainig base mixture. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes until golden. Do not over bake; it should fall as it cools.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Today I went tobogganing with my sister, 3 of my younger cousins, 4 of the kids I babysit and two adults. We had so much fun! We have really been missing out these past couple of years as we haven't really had good snowfalls for tobogganing. We had a BLAST!

Hope to go again, SOON! :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Half a Year.

Today was the first day back. First day of 2nd Semester.

Started with Families- Ms. Vos is funny and made me smile. We have the same last name!

Then moved on to Spare- Was going to get some work done...didn't happen...rough start to first semester

Worked my way into lunch- Tuna Casserole always makes me smile. Then played foosball with some friends with a crumpled piece of paper as the foosball. My team won 10-5! :)

Went to Biology- Very confusing seating plan to understand. Sit by my friends though.

Finished off with Chemistry- This Review we started rings a bell...but its still REALLY HARD! haha :)

Should be a pretty good semester. Challenging but good.

For one of my classes we were challenged to write down goals for that class, but I think I shall write those goals down for all my classes:

1) Finish High school with Honours. Finish with above 80 in all my classes
2) Get to my classes on time (Unless other circumstances beyond my control prevent me from getting to class on time.
3) Have Joy to be at school. Its my last semester EVER of high school! It may not be my favourite place to be, but its where God has put me at this point in my life. Kids in other countries would love to have the opportunity to go to school every day, but can't. I am blessed.
4) Test averages in each class of above an 80%
5) Finish assignments on time. Do the homework.
6) Give 100% effort
7) Participate in class discussions. Take initiative and go in for help when I don't understand something. Ask Questions.
8) Make friends with someone I don't normally talk to. Be loving to everyone. Be an imitator of Christ.

Those are just some goals before the semester starts. Half a school-year left!