Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Waiting Here

Still Waiting

Did you ever stop and think about how I feel

Did you ever

Just once


And realize that you were hurting me

Every time

I waited for you to call

I waited for you to email

I waited for you to turn my way

To return a friendly smile

To say a warm hello


Every time

That I waited

I was left there

Still waiting

We are both waiting for someone

And I’m still waiting

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Trust in the LORD with all your heart

I Trust you God.

and lean not on your own understanding;

Your will is far greater than my own. You have a Master plan

in all your ways acknowledge him,

Not my will but Yours be done

and he will make your paths straight.

God, Lead me where you want me to go

Sunday, September 26, 2010



I don’t really know how long forever is

But that’s how long I’m gonna give my life

Everything I face, it tries to tear me down

No I won’t back away from the sacrifice

I won’t forget what you’re love means to me

You’re always there to light my way


When all the lights go down and the world is quiet

No one is around

I wanna be the same man that will serve you then

Like I serve you now

That my convictions never change

O let my need for you remain

As real as the moment I was saved

I will always stand amazed

Sometimes my heart desires such selfish things

When the moment comes help me to trust

Something better that you have for me

If I could just hold on to you enough

I won’t forget what you’re love means to me

You’re always there to light my way


You will be my strength when I am weak

When I wanna give in and not turn the other cheek

Let this be the prayer that I speak

That I speak

-- 33 Miles.

Praise God because He's there. Always.

Friends may fail you. Maybe you just wish you get back to someone that has hurt you so deep. You may hate school to no end. You may wish for the past. You may be scared for the future. You let stupid things get in between you and God.

I'm amazed. He's there forever.

The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,
I will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort me.
You prepare a feast for me
in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord

I understood the one part of Psalm 23 for the first time this week.

God Leads us.

But His love also follows/Pursues us wherever we go.



Friday, September 10, 2010

Rewind before the Surprise....

Have you ever had someone have a secret
but then you really want to know that secret
and then they tell you
and you wish they had kept it a surprise

O well.

The Web vs. The Spider

So today I began my day with some hanging of the laundry. As I hung several articals of clothing, even carefully arranging into color on the line, a spider began to crawl onto my hand. This spider was no small spider. In fact if it had had a chance to make it farthur onto my finger, it would have been larger than my fingerprint, which in my opinion is no small spider. I can live with spiders that hide themselves ALL the time so that I never have to see them, or even if there are spiders that I have to squint to see them because of their tininess, I can live with those spiders. But the spiders I have been seeing quite lately around my house are not my cup of tea. I have been seeing them way too much of them and their size is alarming to me.

But their webs are what intrigue me. The ugliest, most massive Canadian spiders I have ever seen (I say Canadian because in Belize I held a tarantula under careful supervision of course) make interesting and beautiful webs. I used to watch the movie 'Charlotte's Web' as a kid and the spider, Charlotte, writes messages in the web to save the pig, Wibur's life. Still, its not the Spider that impresses me its the webs.

Once I saw trailings of a spider connecting a bush to the roof of my house and for a split second got excited that a spider was considering making an incredible massive web, to hang from the roof to the plant. After that split second of hoping and excitement, I realized that that probably was not the case and that the spider was simply travelling from the roof to the plant or the plant to the roof.

The other day I saw a spider in its web. First it must have caught the insect and there it sat eating it. The web not only provides a sweet hangout, it also has the tricky stickness (hehe that rhymes) to trap flying insects. Pretty smart stuff if you ask me.

But unfortunately this spider lost its life, because it snuck up on me and scare the heebie jeebies out of me. As well as sneaking up on me, I'm also okay with killing a few spiders around here so I don't have to see them as often.

In the competition between the Web and the Spider (Web vs. Spider) the Web wins by far.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thoughts on school...

This picture doesn't actually really apply to anything, it just made me smile.

Its been a few days back at school. Finished the first week already (Friday of so the Gr. Niners can have a get to know each other day). A few thoughts to share since school started (random with no real theme of course):

1) Wrapping your brain around numbers again and doing math right after summer takes a bit of getting used to

2) Bus rides are long and boring. Note to self: Try and get your G2 soon so that you can drive sometimes

3) Grade 12 means that you are the eldest class in the school. Its a weird concept.

4) Not buying stuff from the overpriced cafeteria could save you money

5) Spare with friends equals no work done

6) New Vice Principal of Learning aka The Uniform Police a) has a super cool accent and b) complimented on colorful socks...meaning a) I love accents (just thought I'd throw that in there) and b) the Uniform Police could be a little more slack about the uniform policy. woot woot.

7) Random fountainy thing right outside the front door is super random and I'm pretty sure is bound to cause accidents to people not paying attention when they run out of the school.

8) Halls will be a bit crowded until people realize that its like a road: you have to be travelling on the correct side to get through...otherwise there will be traffic

9) I've never actually opened my locker on the first try yet this year. I also keep almost heading to my old locker to get books for my next class

10) Libraries are a great place to escape to the quiet.

11) Teachers that say that they have no rules will still have rules.

12) School will be all you make it to be.

Thats all for now. Those are just some thoughts since school started. Just some thoughts

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Summer is almost Over.

This summer I wished it would never end. It was a beautiful summer filled with unity and fellowship. I felt God so near. I've learned so much about myself and worship. I learned alot about cooking and baking, too. I EVEN think that I learned how to be less accident prone (not a lot, but a little) or maybe I just learned tolerance of pain. I saw my first 9 shooting stars. Going star spinning on gravel is not a good idea. It seems as though it was just a couple weeks ago that school finished and I wrote my exams early and was heading off to camp.

And now... somehow... we are here? (that is a question..How on Earth did it go that fast? How did we get from there to here?) I dunno. WHERE DID THE SUMMER GO?!??

After a summer that I can't stop thinking about and remembering, dreaming about (yes I had a dream that we were making chicken and that we forgot to put it in the fridge...long dream/story short: my dad heard me downstairs and asked me what I was doing, to which I replied 'I have to put the Chicken in the fridge'....o joy), and missing Camp. I've been keeping in contact with staff, but how would I not, after a summer like that they are a second family for example there are inside jokes in a language that we made up. I am also tempted to wear a Rats-tail in my hair one Tuesday just to get funny looks and talk about camp to everyone who looks at me weird.

And as I look back on this summer, I also look ahead to this year. Grade 12. Me equals not a big fan of school, but hey, on the positive side its my last year of highschool. I'm almost done. It could almost be defined as post-camp withdrawl. But things come and go.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

I might label this blogpost in my mind as a rant because often a rant consists of me not knowing what I wrote at the beginning, then just writing about whats on my mind. I think that is whats happened here folks. RANT. O Camp.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Playing Camper

So for a few weeks in the summer I was selected to do the special task of operating the Tuck shop. The Tuck Shop is an important stop to campers and parents alike. It is filled with candy and chocolate to fill the cravings of both the children and the parents. The Tuck Shop is also where lost and found items from previous weeks are stored to bring out for a massive showing at the Fall Fair (which by the way is September should go).

Now as for the explaination of the photographs taken above. This is me and Nacho Lea. One Friday afternoon as we faithfully fulfilled our service in the Tuck Shop, we spied the lost and found camper clothes just chillin' in the corner. There was only one thing that Nacho Lea and Nacho Brittany could do: PLAY CAMPER. Playing camper involves going through the leftover camper clothing and wearing absolutely anything to create the ideal camper.

Yes in fact we looked rediculous. But Hey, we had a blast aaannnd....the last rule in camper rules issss.....

1...2...3...HAVE A BLAST!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Memoir...

My sisters fish is almost dead.

...Kinda reminds me of the time I had a fish
and it was nearly dead

and then it was dead.

O how I miss my fish. Nacho Leesha Tobias