Sunday, May 30, 2010

Picto-MANIA with Kaitlyn

Excited Face while being shot?

Calmer than you would have thought for someone who is being shot

In a no longer treehouse...a retired tree house?....a ground house

Kaitlyn is way too excited to be imitating a cow

This is how we attract boys

Love Spending time with my best friend.
Best Friends Forever.

Hacking Kat's Facebook

When You have nothing better to do...

--wrote on her wall:

"Kathleen found horse poop on her pants"
"Kathleen is taking off her poopy pants"
"Kathleen is running around with no pants on"
"Catch Me!"
"Booty Booty dance...shake it all about...thats what its all about...I love this"
"Kat Vos is running outside with no pants and loves everybody"

--changed her status:


--added a random guy she doesn't know (don't worry I know him):

--wrote on his wall:
"hey hey hey (said like 'Fat Albert') its kaaaaaaaaat vos!"

--though we didnt think he would accept, he did and wrote back and said:

"Heya (couldn't think of something cool), it'sa me, Mar...erhm...Pierre Vanderweeeeeerd!"

--made her 'Likes and Interests' interesting':
Slap Chop/Infomercials
Chronicles of Narnia

How to Clear Plaque
How to Stop Picking Your Nose For Dummies
Bernstein Bears

Jo Bros
Justin Bieber
Michael W Smith
Josh Grobin

Booger Flinger
Left Ventricle
Lion Roars
Joining the Circus
Science Experiments
Skinny Dipping
Mopping Floors
Scandal Armpit Check

Practicing the bend and snap
cutting the grass with scissors
Driving Tractors
Bringing puppies to the pound
Reading the Dictionary

I've Got to say it was quite alot of fun. Would do it anyday. I'm glad Kat was such a good sport about it...buuuuuttt....i don't think she found everything yet :) hehehe

--Best Comment:
"I think you got hacked"

The Ugliest Sweater Sneak Peek

Brittany and Kaitlyn's Ugliest Sweaters for Camp Sneak Peak:
That's All Folks

A 3-Year Old's Perspective

I got an explanation of how the digestive system works from a 3-year-old yesterday.
It went something like this:

It takes a long time because it has to get all the way from your big toe up to your bum because it is a big city.

He went on to talk more about poop.

I love 3-year-olds minds.

I wish I was a Glow Worm...

My friend has this quote in her locker that makes me smile when I see it. Hope it makes Your day, too

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Coach and Mystery Man


Someone who came to my Tim Hortons yesterday reminded me of coach from Survivor. He had tattoos down his whole arm. He had the brown coloured beard going on and longish hair growing in. I was about to hand him his order but he had his eyes closed, calm and relaxed... I'd like to say that he was meditating.

All these Characteristics make him the perfect candidate for a Coach-look-a-like

It made me feel quite excited and privileged to see and serve a Coach-look-alike at Tim Hortons.

Just Sayin'

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I went somewhere God called me to go when I went to Belize for the first time.
It is one of the coolest things to know that God has a plan for me
and He is in control
and He knows what He is doing
and He has an incredible idea of how He is going to use me Change me and Shape me

I'm Praying that God leads me back someday
In His Time
I want it to be His will for me
not only my desires
But that it is what He wants
To further His Kingdom
For His Glory

You want to be real
You want to be empty inside
You want to be someone laying down your pride
You want to be someone someday
Then lay it all down before the King
You want to be whole
You want to have purpose inside
You want to have virtue and purify your mind
You want to be set free today then lay it all down before the King

This is my desire
This is my return
This is my desire to be used by you

You want to be real
You want to be emptied inside
And I know my heart is to feel you near
And I know my life
It's to do your will
It's to do your will

-Jeremy Camp

Wait for the LORD:
Be Strong and take Heart
and Wait for the LORD
Psalm 27:14

Monday, May 24, 2010


Why is so easy for us to go along with making fun of the odd one out? Why is it so easy to not say anything at all and pretend to ignore the situation?

But why? WHY? When it comes to sticking up for someone, it is so stinkin’ hard?

Emmy vanDyk Wiesz came to our world religion class a couple of weeks ago and talked about the Holocaust. She was 10 years old when she became aware that if she did not go into hiding, she would be killed.
Through the presentation I became informed of the true horror and scary time that it was to be a Jew at that time. What a scary time it was to be a Jew, but also how unaffected and unknowing other people were to what was going on and being done to Jews.

But out of the whole presentation, what really got me was when the question was asked:

"Why would you choose to come talk about it with us?"

Was her answer:
“I hope that you will treat others right
When you see someone being hurt by someone else, I hope you will help them.
You can choose to do something.
1 person can help 100 people
1 person can ignore it and 100 people die.

It’s not likely you are going to find 6 million people in Canada being exterminated and you are going to take them into your home at your own risk and help them

But what about the person at your school who doesn’t fit in...

Or the person at your work who is constantly being verbally abused...

What about the person who doesn’t have a friend to eat with at lunch...

What about the gossip circles...

Its everywhere, there are people everywhere in emotional holocausts. People exterminating because of race, religion, appearance, personality...

“I hope that you will treat others right
When you see someone being hurt by someone else, I hope you will help them.
You can choose to do something.
1 person can help 100 people
1 person can ignore it and 100 people die.

Biblical Encouragements:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6

For I am the LORD, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you. Isaiah 41:13

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. 1 John 4:18-21

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

Rise up; this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it." Ezra 10:4

Once Upon a Tim Horton's Shift...

"He looks like Mr. Tumnus from Narnia, so as it lightly snowed, I asked him to dance around a lightpost for $5 , and offered him $6 to do it while making goat noises"

"Welcome to Tim Horton's, How may I fight you?"

"Welcome to Tim Horton's, How may I temperature log...Help you?"

"Wow! You're Happy..Can I get..."

"When the freezer shuts sometimes I get locked in...then I get scared"

"I've experienced a lot of things, but never have I seen a naked man through drive through window until now"

"Your headset is still on...still on"

"Can you grab the person on counter"
Lady on counter says,"You don't have to grab me, but you can serve me"

"Hot tray. Hot Tray. Hot Tray...Just kidding, I'm holding it with my bare hands"

"Would You like a tray or do you like to juggle?"

"Sometimes when I hiccup I sound like a hamster"

Sunday, May 23, 2010

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood

The kids are out playing soccer and catch. There are people lounging on deck chairs. The kids are laughing and running around in the green grass. The sun is shining. The parents have gone for a walk. The horses graze in the field. Drinking ice-cold Iced Tea while sitting in fold-up lawn chairs. Running on gravel creates calluses on bare feet. Reading a book on a blanket, humming an old tune.

Mr. Rogers would be humming:
"It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood"

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Here's to You Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn is one of my best friends. We often enjoy each others company on several occaisions. Kaitlyn and I work together at Tim Hortons. She will randomly start talking about Camp even if we aren't having a conversation about camp. We have names for eachother: Habeer and Habunta (I am Habeer; she is Habunta). We often talk in accents and quote lines from the movie Nacho Libre (even though I'm pretty sure she has never seen the movie). We travel to youth group sometimes and pump up the jams. We always have time to chat it up about anything and everything. In moments of frustration and in anticipation Kaitlyn might add, "I feel like I'm runnin' a flippin' marathon of patience!" or when I said "It would be a perfect time for cookies and milk" and Kaitie adds "AND CARROTS!". She makes me smile and we always have a good laugh. Kaitie and I are getting fish together. She is naming hers Wilbur and mines name is gonna be Nacho Crub Dos (as mentioned in the previous post). We are going to bring our fishes (the plural of fish) to Camp this summer. At camp this summer we are going to eat out of kids plates that have the sections in them and have kiddie pictures, we have the ugliest sweaters for 'The Ugliest Sweater' contest...they have our faces on them...hehehe. Kaitlyn is a great friend to me and I can't wait until we work at camp together this summer. I'm going to miss her when she goes off to Laurier, but I know Habunta and I will always be friends.

Here's a verse that is on the bottom of Kaitlyn's emails:

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish its work so that you may become mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4

Love You Kaitie

Monday, May 17, 2010

Rest in Peace

Nacho Leesha Tobias died peacefully in his bowl at his home last night.
He was loved by many and his quiet humbleness led many to be his friends.
He will also be missed by his dear aquarium stone friend, Hank.
At times Nacho could be somewhat of a spaz and was nicknamed the NHL fish (Nacho Hates Life). He is named after an ingenious movie: Nacho Libre in which he loved to quote constantly and imitate lines in Spanish accents
Nacho Leesha will be missed very much.
Rest in Peace

Quote from Nacho Libre:

"Thank you for coming here today. This man lived a good life. He had a wonderful woman, a lush garden, and... a collection of Russian nesting dolls. May he rest in peace."

Nacho Leesha Tobias September 30, 2010 - May 16, 2010

Nacho Crub Dos (II) ... Coming Soon!

Survivor Ends

Winner! Gagner!

Sandra wins Survivor

Survivor Heroes and Villains is over
Best Survivor Season Yet
No more survivor Rants

...For Now

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My God is Mighty to Save

The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

Inspiration Song: Mighty to Save (Hillsong)

A Grandular Day

When you say you had a "Grandular day"
(pronounced like [grand-yuh-ler])
It means that it was grand and sweet and you enjoyed your self quite a lot.

  • a.m. Church. Community. Fellowship.
  • Playing with Kids
  • The Sun
  • "Oma Cake"
  • Lasagna
  • 21 Basketball
  • SDC-(Smiled Despite Circumstances)- after being pushed in the pool by cousin
  • Water fights and Ambush
  • Walk with Mom and Sister
  • Tea at Friends (it was Tea-less tea for me....I had OJ. Way better)
  • Drinking out of new Shrek Glass

And Best of all the Day is not over yet....



Saturday, May 15, 2010


Last night I spent some time downtown Hamilton with my youth group.

First we walked to Wass Ethiopian Restaurant; on the way:

  • (and I hate to call it staring) I people watched. People watching is not staring, you are simply observing who and what is around you, and what they are doing
  • Old lady pushing her shopping metal cart on sidewalk, says "Beep Beep. Volkswagen coming through"
  • Some inner city kids (they were probably around 10) walking down the street without their parent. If I had lived in the city I wonder if my parents would have let me do that. Doubt it.
Arrive at the Restaurant.
  • Restaurant in a downstairs of a building.
  • Washes hands before eating because we eat with our hands
  • Sign on floor "Watch your step". I did not fall

Chatting with friends-- about the army, musicals, Toronto, CSM
  • Waitress of arrives with water. Her friendly smile and casual dress made it feel homely (less institutional/uniforms)

  • they brought huge platters filled with colourful foods on top of a huge crepe (but not actually a crepe)
  • tasted every single thing even though I had no clue what half the stuff was ( one was beets and there were some red peppers too)
  • what I discovered was our favorite was actually lamb. After someone pointed out that lamb was baby sheep some of the girls didn't like it as much
  • Mystery meat was pretty good. Still a mystery though
  • Was weird at first ripping off from the same bread and eating with our fingers but it was very communal and an enjoyable meal together
Headed to the Street that the Art Crawl (James St. Hamilton). Every Second Friday of each month you can go and see the different artists art

  • headed to some of the art studios
  • Loved the 3-Story buildings looking over parts of Hamilton
  • An old theater, cob webs on the chairs
  • Saw some art we liked and some that had a little too much skin showing
  • Girl balancing crystal ball and man dressed in tin suit reciting Shakespeare
  • Collecting Business cards

We walked back to the Youth leaders' house, on the way getting a Blue Fanta Slushie.

I felt cultured and privileged to have the experience of seeing a different side of Hamilton last night. Its a different setting with different places, with different people. It was something I would love to do again.


Monday, May 10, 2010

The Perogies Smile

Find something simple to smile about today

Today we had perogies for dinner.

And just for fun, in the pan I formed the doughy perogies into the shape of a smile

Today Perogies smiled at me

Today Perogies made me smile

Hold my Heart

One tear in the driving rain,
One voice in a sea of pain
Could the maker of the stars
Hear the sound of my breaking heart?
One life, that's all I am
Right now I can barely stand
If You're everything You say You are
Would You come close and hold my heart
-Tenth Avenue North

“I took you from the ends of the earth,
from its farthest corners I called you.

I said, 'You are my servant';

I have chosen you and have not rejected you.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

All who rage against you
will surely be ashamed and disgraced;

those who oppose you

will be as nothing and perish.

Though you search for your enemies,
you will not find them.

Those who wage war against you

will be as nothing at all.

For I am the LORD, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand

and says to you, Do not fear;

I will help you.”

Isaiah 41:9-13

Praise God for the Faithful and everlasting God that He is

Praise Him for never leaving us and being a God who keeps His promises

We all fall sometimes but he is holding us in his Hand