Friday, April 30, 2010


SDC...Smile Despite the Circumstances

Its something worth trying out.

Like if you burn your whole family's supper sausages because you didnt watch the BBQ...SDC...cause they look like poop and theres nothing you can do about it...and they look like poop

Like if you are playing Wii with your neighbour and he's constantly making fun of your lack of skillage (even if you do have skillage!)...SDC...cause you know one day you'll kick his butt at it and he'll regret and respect (thats right R&R!)

If you get called into work and you don't like your work...SDC...cause you get to work with your best budd and laugh at crazy customers singing through the drive-thru high pitched songs (p.s the customers are men)

Like if you have to clean the house on your day off school...SDC...cause you get the day off school. Anything ought (yes I just used the word 'Ought" that even how you spell it?) to be better than school

Smile Despite Circumstances helps you have a better more positive day. You can look back at your day and laugh, rather than letting it get you down


In Loving Memory

Four years ago today, David Alexander Wielinga, took his last earthly breath and his first eternal heavenly one. Four years have gone by so quickly. There are days when my heart aches and I miss him so much.

October 6,1998 - April 30, 2006

David, just so you know I miss you. I think of who you would be today if you were still here with us.

I'm sure you'd be all into the "Iron Man". Its a real guy movie.

You'd probably be proud (and jealous..hehe) of my skills at Wii and Frogger on my Gameboy (yess I still have a Gameboy).

You may have been jealous of the two collector bottle caps I got while I was in Belize (but dont worry I got two)

You'd be going to camp this summer...and that'd be sweet 'cause I'm on staff and I'd get you thrown in the pool or something

Maybe you would like Settlers, and you, me and Will could have tournements and stuff

David. I remeber your smile that could light the whole room up. You used to tell me jokes that weren't funny but I'd laugh because you found so much joy from them. We would play Frogger and you thought it was so funny when you could step on me so I would get run over by a van. You didn't let the bald head slow you down. At Balsaam Lake we could spend hours searching for bottlecaps for your collection.

Today I heard two of your songs David. They made me think of you.

"...And we can cry with hope, we can say goodbye with hope, because we know our goodbye is not the end. We can breathe with hope 'cause we believe with hope theres a place where we'll see your face again"

"...Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus. You can have all this world, But give me Jesus"

Sometimes I cry for you David, thats because I miss you.

But I have hope that one day I will see you again.

And maybe we can go bottle cap hunting

or play Frogger

"And never have I known
anything so hard to understand
And never have I questioned more
The wisdom of God's plan
But through the cloud of tears
I see the Father's smile and say, 'Well done'
And I imagine you where you wanted most to be
Where you wanted most to be
Seeing all your dreams come true
...Cause now your home and now you're free"

David You'll Forever be In my Heart

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Survivor Fever

Survivor...its been what I've been waiting for since my post last Thursday.

So all night I'm hoping the little troll, Russell finally gets voted out...

BUT... once again he somehow pulls in someone to his little scheme, this time MY FAVORITE PLAYER Candice! I don't know what Candice was thinking??

Amanda got voted off...which she was dumb anyways, but it was another one from the Heroes team off, and another Villian victory

Will Russell take Candice to the end? or was the move Candice made something that is going to bring her down next?

I think that Parvarti and Russell's alliance is starting to break. There is less trust and more backstabbing within the alliance and I just hope that one of them (preferably once again Russell) because Parvarti might actually be wonderful at the game without the man constantly telling her how to play.

I don't know if I like the way Candice is loosing her confidence in this game.

I know I don't like the way Russell is too confident and he thinks he is the "King of Survivor"...blah blah blah

(hehehe I also laughed at this picture of Candice cause I'm not sure if she is yawning or shocked)

Once again it is Thursday night and I am feeling like a Survivor addict.

Also the fact that a bunch of my friends and I are making a video in English class and ours is a Survivor theme...with the music and everything

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

God Answers Prayer

So I'm looking at the prayer requests on my wall and seeing all the prayer requests for the past few months.

Some of the ones I can see from here:

God answers prayers, even our smallest worries and doubts:

"Please don't let my fish die right away"- Nacho brings joy to my life. I don't know if this is because he is such a spaz, reminds me of some of my GRANDULAR friends, or because his name is from one of the best movies in the world: Nacho Libre. That was posted in September and he is still alive and thriving today. Let everything that Has Breath Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

"That I dont die or kill anyone as I learn to drive" I wouldn't say that I'm an awesome driver. I wouldn't say I'm even a good driver. I would say I'm a beginner who needs to learn a lot more before being trusted alone with any vehicle. But I'm learning. And so far everyone who has travelled with me or on the same road as me has remained in God's hand. You are Everlasting God. You are Everlasting God. You do not faint. You won't grow weary.

"Belize Mission trip" It was lifechanging trip. Throughout the trip God was faithful to us and kept us all safe. We were incredibly blessed by all the people there who made us feel at home. It opened alot of the eyes of the people on the team to how incredibly blessed we are, but also how much we take for granted of what God has blessed us with. At times I miss Belize so much. I pray that if its God's will I can go back someday. God Bless Belize. You Are King of These People. You Are Lord of this Nation. You Are.

"Uncle Sid" My Uncle Sid was diagnosed with Colon/Rectal Cancer a couple months ago. The first look the doctors said it was all over and it would not likely be treatable. Devastating news. Doctors decided to go through chemo treatments and radiation and after see if they would operate. Praying that God would give them strength, Uncle Sid stayed positive and working right up until the operation. Doctors were impressed with how much it shrank. The operation went well and Uncle Sid is recovering at home. Blessed be Your name, God

"Grandma" News in December that Grandma had a heart attack shook the whole family. While in the hospital she had another heart attack and we learned Grandma needed surgury. God remained Grandmas Shepherd in the valleys of this uncertain time. Jesus pulled her through. I look at my Grandma now and you can hardly tell that just a couple months ago she was fighting for her life. Jesus, thank you. Thank you. Thank You. Great is Thy Faithfulness.

and one from this week:

"Brian Zandstra"- last Monday Brian had a major headache at one of his worksites. Turned out that he had two anuerysms in his brain and one of them had burst. He was in critical condition and they werent even sure if he was going to make it through the night. Its been just over a week now. God has been so evident in this week to the power of his love, his arms wrapping around and embracing the whole family. We continue to pray for Brian. He's still got a long way to go. Whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say. It is Well. It is Well with my soul

O God You are My God and I will ever PRAISE you!

I am the Beggar You are the Table. I am so helpless You are so Able- Rush of Fools

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Amazing Race Rant

Once again I feel the need to rant and rage about reality TV (actually no it was requested by my dear friend).. but if ever requested I can rant about anything

So i have just finished watching the Amazing Race.

i just want to say how i am so jealous about how many cool things contestants get to do:

Flying around the world. Just for fun.

Hand twirling noodles.. even though i would probably epically fail, whack someone it the head and break the noodles

Meeting the shortest man in the world... his name is Mr. Ping Ping (he has a pretty sweet name too). He also smokes cigars. Just Sayin'

Detectives not being able to find a store that they are standing right beside...AND THEY"RE DETECTIVES...I laughed

Cowboys. Hat. Boots....and they get 1st place before the city boys

Asians cheer you on (or tell you to hurry up) as you make a puzzle.

Fashion models having trouble with the 'Dress Your Model" challenge...OK that wasn't something I'm jealous about, but I did laugh

... that's all I can think about to Rant about tonight

tune in Thursday for another Survivor Rant!! NAWT...but I am excited for this week's Episode :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

My Desire

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of the Lord lives forever. 1 John 2 : 17

"This is My desire. This is my return. This is my Desire:
To be used by YOU

You want to be set free today
Then lay it all down before the King"
(Jeremy Camp- My Desire)

"Let the World see a Light on a Hill
Let the World see Your purpose fulilled
Let the world see Your glory
Let the world see Your love in our Hearts"
(Carl Cartee- Let the World See"

This I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord's great faithfulness we are not consumed,
His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning.
I say to myself: "The Lord is my Portion;
therefore I will wait for Him"
Lamentations 3:21-23

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Survivor Rant

I just want to rant about how much i like this season of survivor: Heroes vs. Villans.

It is so intense (and in tents..bahaha). I am kept on my toes everytime I watch it.

  • I wonder will the Heroes now realize through the merge that Russell is not took everyone long enough!

  • I laugh and yell at how dumb and naive J.T was to be yet another fool to fall for Russells lies...

  • I cheer on Sandra for making it through to the merge (and hopefully defeats him!)

  • I also cheered on Pavarti for not telling Russell that she had 2 idols and hope that next week it causes them to break their alliance

  • I enjoy talking with other Survivor watchers and watching it with them

  • I secretly cheer for Candice and hope she Silently pulls to the top to win the $1 000 000!

...And I just want to know what happens next!

i felt like a bit of an addict of Survivor tonight...just sayin'

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I give them eternal Life.

and they shall never perish
No one shall snatch them out of my hand

My Father who has given them to me is Greater than ALL
No one can snatch them out of my Father's hand

I and the Father are ONE

John 10:28-30

What a comfort to know God holds us in His hand. We all know of people that need alot of prayer. Whether is is from cancer, brain aneurysms, depression, earthly father problems...

My Life is Average

My Life is Average ( one of the best websites ever created.

Why? because average stories of average people's lives are sometimes

Well here's one for today MLIA:

Yesterday my friend was telling me how her Orange juice sucks. I then replied to her, "So does that straw". I don't think she got it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My First Accomplishment...

Well, I've always wanted to write a Blog. Its Kinda a life goal... or on my lifetime list of things to do.

I don't know what the point is of it yet.

or even if it will ever be successful..and by successful I mean ever viewed or updated.

I feel as though I've accomplished something, though posting my first post